[Bnc-faculty-all-list] strategies for competitive research intelligence for Birck

Chen, Yong P chen276 at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 12 10:11:57 EDT 2018

Dear Birck Colleagues:

Ali and I and several of us have discussed in the past few weeks on possible strategies to improve/increase how we can identify and share "competitive research intelligence" for Birck center and our faculty, that will help us initiate/develop new/emerging and "signature" research directions for Birck that we would be recognized as the pioneer and leader nationally and globally.

FoFor example, the following are just some of the ideas discussed. We seek faculty input to see what makes sense to pursue.

1)     Have ~monthly "brain storming" session or happy hour/social time for Birck faculty to share and discuss ideas for emerging directions, research trends etc. We need to identify weak signals that can be major trends later on as this will allow us to define new directions.  Some of these may be done during our Thursday faculty lunch/seminar meetings, for example.   Of course faculty or a subgroup faculty are also encouraged to organize meetings related to a specific topical area.   [Please let us know if you have any topic you want to suggest as "emerging areas" to discuss.]
2)     2)     Form an "International Advisor Committee" for Birck center, perhaps 5-8 people from different sectors and key stake holders (academia, industry, non-profits, government etc. --- possibilities may range from leaders from international nano centers to regional large industries such as auto or manufacturing industries) who have the knowledge and willingness to spend some time (perhaps 1day/year visiting us onsite, and also engaging with us remotely during other time) interacting with Birck to give suggestions and to bring new/different perspectives.   [Please let me know if you have any specific names/contacts you suggest that may be willing to serve on our International Advisory Committee]

3)     3)     Invite dedicated "research information/intelligence" service providers/analysis companies, think-tanks/thought leaders in the community (including those who may not be interacting with us regularly on advisory board) etc. to visit us and give seminars or panel discussions.   For example Elsevier (publisher) has a division of "Research Intelligence" that does very interesting research and analysis of research landscape/trends in various areas (recently I heard a seminar from them in a workshop analyzing quantum technologies) using big-data approaches.    [Any other suggestions on people/organizations we can invite in this context are welcome]

4)     4)     Develop appropriate online social network/platforms to share/discuss ideas.  [What do our faculty prefer or use most effectively? Twitter? Wiki?]

We would like to gather input from our colleagues both on the specific questions (included in "[]")above, as well as on any additional/different suggestions how we can better identify and share such "research intelligence" that would better position Birck to develop and lead key emerging/signature areas (and to attract center-level effort and investments etc.).

Please send you thoughts and suggestions to me or Ali in the coming weeks.   We also plan to discuss these plans in the next Birck Leadership Council meeting and faculty meeting, and start to implement them soon.

Thank you and best regards,


Yong P. Chen, PhD.
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director of Purdue Quantum Center
Associate Director of Research for Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA
(765) 494-0947;  yongchen at purdue.edu<mailto:yongchen at purdue.edu>

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