[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Hawkins Lecture Seminar Announcement: Dr. Mehmet Toner \ 4:30 PM Thursday September 21 2017 \ WALC 1055 (Hiler Theatre)

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 12 09:56:50 EDT 2017

Dear all,

Dr. Mehmet Toner is our honored 2017 Hawkins Lecturer in Heat Transfer Area, as well as the Graduate Seminar Speaker on Thursday September 21st. He will be with us from 21st  to 22nd September.

The Graduate Seminar will be at 4:30 PM Thursday September 21 2017 in WALC 1055 (Hiler Theatre). Attached announcement has Dr. Toner's talk abstract and bio info.

There will be one more seminar from Dr. Toner more focusing on Heat Transfer area, please stay tuned.

Thank you and have a wonderful afternoon!


Maggie Hao | Secretary IV
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Areas
School of Mechanical Engineering | ME 2172
585 Purdue Mall,<x-apple-data-detectors://2/0> Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Fax: 765.496.1114<tel:765.496.1114>
hao41 at purdue.edu<mailto:hao41 at purdue.edu>

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