[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Shared equipment needs - input needed by Feb. 5th

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Thu Jan 28 10:12:41 EST 2016

Dear colleagues

Discovery Park is putting together a plan for major equipment and instrumentation to be implemented over the next five years. It is a good opportunity for us to contribute now towards this with our ideas and suggestions. Tools for micro/nano fabrication, characterization or packaging for the cleanroom or other shared labs at Birck can be included. However, emphasis will be placed on shared and unique tools that build new areas or significantly strengthen existing communities. Multi-disciplinary research areas that fit the DP mission are of particular interest as well.

It would be great if you could please send Ali, Jaime and I your ideas by Feb. 5th. All we need now is

a.       A basic description of the shared tool(s) you suggest

b.      A rough estimate of the cost

c.       What unique capabilities/research it enables and who benefits from it

Thanks a lot

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