[Bnc-faculty-all-list] FW: Major Equipment Program Pre-proposal Guidelines and Template

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 23 13:53:16 EST 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you have a nice Christmas holidays.
Please see below and attached guidelines for the EVPRP Major Equipment Program (2-page preproposal) which is due on Jan. 31st. Typical cost is between $250K-1M (exceptions will be considered for more expensive equipment that can have a big impact). They require 1/3 of the cost to come from departments/colleges/PIs so you need to start the dialog early.

I encourage you to submit proposals that can bring new capabilities to Birck or bridge technological gaps. Installation costs should be included in the proposal. Please give us at least two-weeks so that we can identify lab space and estimate facility modifications.

Best regards,

From: "Bolin, Jeffrey T" <jtb at purdue.edu>
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 5:00 PM
To: "Barker, Eric L" <barkerel at purdue.edu>, "Berger, Carrie A" <carrieb at purdue.edu>, "Brandt, D. Scott" <techman at purdue.edu>, Melba M Crawford <mcrawford at purdue.edu>, "Hogenesch, Harm" <hogenesc at purdue.edu>, "Lehman, James D." <lehman at purdue.edu>, "Plaut, Karen I" <kplaut at purdue.edu>, "Remis, Melissa J" <remis at purdue.edu>, "Taparowsky, Elizabeth J" <taparows at purdue.edu>, "Tawarmalani, Mohit" <mtawarma at purdue.edu>, "Teegarden, Dorothy" <dteegard at purdue.edu>, "Shakouri, Ali" <shakouri at purdue.edu>, Joseph Irudayaraj <josephi at purdue.edu>, Tomas J Diaz de la Rubia <tddlr at purdue.edu>
Cc: "Marietta L. Harrison" <harrisom at purdue.edu>, "Garimella, Suresh V" <garimell at purdue.edu>
Subject: Major Equipment Program Pre-proposal Guidelines and Template

Reserve the right to amend as needed to clarify or cover a gap.

Deadline for pre-proposals is now Jan. 31, 2017.

Questions to me directly, please.

Thanks,  Jeff Bolin

Jeffrey T. Bolin, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Research
Professor of Biological Sciences
Purdue University

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