[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Fw: Life Sciences Town Hall Meeting - March 11, 10:00-11:30 am

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 23 19:33:25 EST 2015

Dear All,
I encourage you to attend the Town Hall Meeting below if you are interesting in Life Sciences related fields.
Best regards,

Sent from Surface Pro

From: Garimella, Suresh V<mailto:garimell at purdue.edu>
Sent: ‎Monday‎, ‎February‎ ‎23‎, ‎2015 ‎4‎:‎29‎ ‎PM
To: Ali Shakouri<mailto:shakouri at purdue.edu>, Dukes, Jeffrey S<mailto:jsdukes at purdue.edu>, Bertino, Elisa<mailto:bertino at purdue.edu>, Ejeta, Gebisa<mailto:gejeta at purdue.edu>, Klimeck, Gerhard<mailto:gekco at purdue.edu>, Joseph F. Pekny<mailto:pekny at purdue.edu>, Lehman, James D.<mailto:lehman at purdue.edu>, Raymond, Leigh S<mailto:lraymond at purdue.edu>, Marietta L. Harrison<mailto:harrisom at purdue.edu>, Low, Philip S.<mailto:plow at purdue.edu>, Kuhn, Richard J<mailto:kuhnr at purdue.edu>, Witz, Steven<mailto:witz at purdue.edu>, Turco, Ronald F.<mailto:rturco at purdue.edu>, 'Wojciech Szpankowski'<mailto:spa at cs.purdue.edu>, Ratliff, Timothy L<mailto:tlratliff at purdue.edu>
Cc: Dutta, Debasish<mailto:dutta at purdue.edu>, Garimella, Suresh V<mailto:garimell at purdue.edu>, Bolin, Jeffrey T<mailto:jtb at purdue.edu>, Christina J. Haddock<mailto:cjhaddoc at purdue.edu>, Hirleman, E Daniel<mailto:hirleman at purdue.edu>, Alan Rebar<mailto:rebar at purdue.edu>, Zelaznik, Howard N<mailto:hnzelaz at purdue.edu>, Sandel, Ken L.<mailto:sandel at purdue.edu>, Dunn, Peter E.<mailto:pedunn at purdue.edu>

Dear Center Directors:

The Office of the Provost and our Office of Research and Partnerships are seeking input and feedback at a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, March 11, to discuss new initiatives in the life sciences.  I would appreciate your distributing the attached Life Sciences Town Hall flyer widely within your units to ensure that all interested faculty/staff are aware and can attend.

Thank you, Suresh

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