[Bnc-faculty-all-list] BNC East Wing Exhaust Project

Weaver, John R jrweaver at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 25 09:54:14 EDT 2012

BNC Faculty using the East Wing of the Birck Nanotechnology Center -

Things are finally moving along on the exhaust project for the East Wing of the BNC. The air handler has been ordered and I have now received a schedule from the contractor. Construction will begin in November, 2012, with a shutdown of all exhaust in that wing in the first couple of weeks. This shutdown is expected to last about 4 hours. Other events - including shutdowns - will take place between November, 2012, and February, 2013.

There will be a meeting to discuss the details of the project and the shutdowns on Wednesday morning, October 3, at 9:00 AM in BRK 1001. If you are active in the east wing of the BNC, please plan to attend or to send a representative. There will be plenty of time for discussion and plenty of opportunity for input - while we know that the project will be intrusive to your research, we want to make it the least intrusive that we can. We will be soliciting ideas from you that we can incorporate into our planning to minimize any impact on your research. If you cannot attend, please send a representative who can help us in this planning.

This project has been a very frustrating experience, with several false starts and changes in contractors and PUPF leadership. We are now poised, however, for a very effective project that will greatly expand our capabilities in the east wing of the BNC. I am looking forward to kicking off the project with you, and am committed to making this go as smoothly as possible.


John R. Weaver

Facility Manager

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University

(765) 494-5494

jrweaver at purdue.edu

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