[Bnc-faculty-all-list] NanoDays-30 Minutes demonstrations---Needed for this Thursday and Friday

Allain, Monica M.C. mallain at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 24 14:42:01 EDT 2012

Dear Faculty and Graduate Students,

NanoDays 2012 is upon us and the Center will be soon be filled with over 2,000 K-12 students, educators and community members this Thursday and Friday.  The NanoDays team has set up special demos for our schools and groups that pre-registered for our event.

Unfortunately we still have two Faculty and/or Student 30-minute demonstrations that need to be filled (See time slots below).  Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to do a 20 minute presentation/demonstration with a 10 minute Q & A.

April 26-Thursday-Birck Nanotechnology Center Room 1001
1-1:45pm---Open----------------------------------- (Silver Creek HS-14, Girl Scout Troup 2750-6) Total =20

April 27-Friday-BDM 129
9-9:30am-Open----------------------------------------------------------------(Central 9 Career Center)=Total =22

Best regards,

~ Monica M. Cortez Allain, Ph.D. ~

Monica M. Cortez Allain, Ph.D.
Managing Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
Phone:  (765) 494-5138    Fax: (765) 496-8299

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