[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Fwd: Limited Submission: Keck Foundation Science & Engineering Research

James Cooper cooperj at purdue.edu
Tue May 17 10:51:54 EDT 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Young, Donna S" <dsyoung at purdue.edu>
> Date: May 17, 2011 10:11:52 AM EDT
> To: "'engfaculty-list at ecn.purdue.edu'" <engfaculty-list at ecn.purdue.edu>
> Subject: Limited Submission: Keck Foundation Science & Engineering Research
> This email is being sent on behalf of Sue Grimes
> Dear Faculty Members:
> The W. M. Keck Foundation is now accepting applications for the Science & Engineering Research Program. This program seeks to support high-risk/high-impact projects that are distinctive and novel in their approach to intractable problems, push the edge of their field, or question the prevailing paradigm.  Eligible projects fall outside the mission of public funding agencies. Grants range from $500,000 to $5 million. More information is available at: http://www.wmkeck.org/grant-programs/science-engineering.html.
> For this opportunity, Purdue may submit one application for Phase I consideration. The applicant must be endorsed by a letter from the President and will work with the University Development Office to coordinate the submission. Full proposals are accepted in Phase II by invitation only.
> Internal deadlines are as follows:
> Monday, June 6: Letters of intent due to the OVPR
> Monday, June 27: Pre-proposals due to the OVPR.
> NOTE: Keck offers these programs twice a year with the review process for the previous round overlapping the opening round of each subsequent competition. In the past, Keck has decided to pull an application from the previous round forward into the next round – making Purdue ineligible to submit. In this event, any internally selected candidate will automatically become Purdue’s selection for the subsequent round, provided he or she still meets all of Keck’s eligibility requirements.
> Please note: Letters of intent and pre-proposals to the OVPR should be e-mailed to OVPRlimited at purdue.edu. Purdue's limited submission policy and template for letters of intent may be found at http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi. For any case in which the number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
> Please let me know if you have questions about the limited submission process or this competition.
> Best wishes,
> Sue
> ________________________________
> Sue Grimes
> Assistant Director of Research Development Services
> Office of the Vice President for Research
> Hovde Hall, Room 321
> 610 Purdue Mall
> West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040
> (765) 494-5858

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