[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Fwd: GRC Call for White Papers in Memory Technologies - Deadline August 9, 2011

James Cooper cooperj at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 5 09:23:51 EDT 2011


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Hall, Jacqueline / SRC" <Jacqueline.Hall at src.org>
> Date: July 5, 2011 8:04:34 AM EDT
> To: "DL.TEDAdmin.Solicitation" <DL.TEDAdmin.Solicitation at src.org>
> Subject: GRC Call for White Papers in Memory Technologies - Deadline August 9, 2011
> Dear Colleagues:
> Device Sciences of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Global Research Collaboration (GRC) is soliciting White Papers in Memory Technologies. Two-page White Papers addressing needs in a new research Needs Document can be uploaded until the closing on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 3 PM ET/12 PM PT.  A successful White Paper will be invited to submit a full proposal for further consideration, leading to a 3-year research contract beginning February 1, 2012.  Interested researchers should note the proposal and review schedule, Needs Document, and instructions for web-based White Paper submissions on the SRC Web site at:
> http://www.src.org/compete/s201114/
> We look forward to your participation.
> Regards,
> Kwok
> Kwok Ng, kwok.ng at src.org
> Semiconductor Research Corporation®
> Box 12053
> Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2053
> 919-941-9400
> www.src.org
> Jacqui Hall, jhall at src.org                                                                             
> Semiconductor Research Corporation®
> Device Sciences/Interconnect & Packaging Sciences          
> Administrative Assistant                                                      
> Phone: 919-941-9400    

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