[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Sent on behalf of Gerhard Klimeck‹Please respond to Victoria Farnsworth

Starewich, Deborah S. dstarewi at purdue.edu
Tue May 18 11:02:03 EDT 2010

Dear BNC Faculty:

Do you have some small pieces of software or even large pieces of software you wished could be operated more easily?  NCN/nanoHUB have technology and people to make that happen!
NCN is looking for opportunities to partner with you this summer by placing an NCN-funded SURF student with your research group.  SURF is the College of Engineering's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program.  Our past experience shows that NCN SURF students can take a simulation tool that is working well for you now and deploy it for you on nanoHUB.org <http://nanoHUB.org/>  by summer's end.  The resulting package (tool and documentation) will shorten the learning curve and time-to-use for your future students.  It also expands the user base of your tool to the more than 120,000 users of nanoHUB.org <http://nanoHUB.org/> .

The students arrive next week May  24 and will be trained on nanoHUB technologies in that week.  They can start to work in your lab virtually by the end of the week.

If you want to work with an NCN SURF student, please let Victoria Farnsworth know as soon as possible (vfarnsworth at purdued.edu).

Kind Regards

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