[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Washington Projects Call for White Papers, ON BEHALF OF TIM SANDS

Deborah S Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 21 10:03:59 EDT 2009

> Dear BNC resident or affiliated faculty member-
> If you are interested in pursuing a FY11 Washington Project, please  
> note that there is a pending Call for White Papers.  This is, in  
> effect, a limited submission process, with up to four submissions  
> allowed per unit.  If you would like to submit through the BNC,  
> please send a white paper to me (format outlined below) by COB on  
> October 1st.  I will forward up to four to the Executive Director of  
> Discovery Park (Al Rebar) on October 2nd.
> The following text is from the “Call for White Papers” issued by the  
> The following are desirable features of Washington projects that  
> will be used to prioritize projects
> to be advanced to our congressional delegation.
> ·      Has the potential to generate sufficient congressional  
> support in the House and Senate and within the Indiana delegation;
> ·      Addresses high priority societal needs and enhances economic  
> competitiveness (additional information below);
> ·      Is multidisciplinary involving multiple Departments and/or  
> Colleges/Schools/Units;
> ·      Involves active partnership with industry and/or other  
> universities;
> ·      Provides research support in a core/strategic area of  
> University (the project is considered a high priority for your  
> Campus, School, College, or Unit); and
> ·      Strong potential to grow into a long-term project supported  
> by competitively awarded external funding.
> It is our intent to establish greater recognition of areas of Purdue  
> expertise that may receive support from several members of the  
> Indiana congressional delegation (thus perhaps resulting in larger  
> commitments for individual projects) and to establish strategic  
> directions for those areas where Purdue resources can be most  
> effectively employed on behalf of state or national priorities.  
> Purdue’s priorities are clearly aligned with the priorities noted in  
> White House executive memoranda (see M-09-27 at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda_default/) 
> .
> Priorities for FY11 congressional initiatives are:
> ·      Energy, environment, climate change, and sustainability –  
> particularly renewable energy sources, climate change and carbon  
> sequestration;
> ·      Life and health sciences – particularly clinical and  
> translational sciences;
> ·      Security, defense and space sciences – particularly systems  
> for unconventional conflicts;
> ·      Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)  
> Education  - including K-12 and student performance; and
> ·      Global policy topics related to the above topics –  
> particularly to inform and improve policymaking.
> Washington Project Questionnaire
> Fiscal Year 2011
> Please provide the following information for the Fiscal Year 2011  
> Washington Project selection process.  Limit your material to one  
> page.
> I.    Project Title
> II.   Contact Information (PI, Department, email, telephone, co-PIs)
> III.  Project Details (Provide a simple, non-scientific explanation  
> of what the project will accomplish – 1 or 2 sentences; provide an  
> overview of the project with objectives/goals, deliverables, brief  
> history, status, and success measures for the project)
> IV.  Economic Impact and Benefits (If possible, estimate economic  
> impact to Indiana and nation)
> V.   Budget Information (Estimate Year 1 budget - salaries and  
> wages, capital equipment, supplies and expenses, travel, etc. - and  
> total cost and duration of the project)
> VI.  Additional Support (Other sources of funding to support the  
> initiative; community, corporate, foundation support/partnerships)
> VII. Defense Projects only (Why is this project relevant to the  
> military/national security; DoD project/program element number and  
> DoD Program Manager, if known)

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