[Bnc-faculty-all-list] MRSEC Discussion Follow up.

Eric Stach eastach at ecn.purdue.edu
Wed Sep 2 20:17:58 EDT 2009


I'd like to thank the many people who attended today, as well as  
provide some follow through.

Today, David and I spent the time describing (our viewpoints) on both  
Center efforts / proposals and MRSEC specific efforts / proposals.

I've attached the slides from that discussion.

For those of you unable to attend, you can see that at this point we  
are in 'discovery': a period where we are trying to provide a forum  
for groups to provide at least nascent descriptions of ideas that they  
feel may fit into an IRG (Integrated Research Group) within the MRSEC  

If you have an idea that you would like to air out / talk through in  
the upcoming weeks, please let David or I know: if you cannot attend  
because of other obligations, this should be OK as other members of  
your group should also be able to articulate the ideas.

Again, thank you for your time today, and I look forward to seeing how  
we can develop a process that leads to (perhaps multiple) successful  
Center proposals.

Eric (and David)

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