[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Research Planning meeting: NSF MRSEC

Eric Stach eastach at ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Aug 24 15:05:56 EDT 2009


David Janes and I are going to start a discussion regarding BNC  
scientific directions, with an eye towards the NSF Materials Research  
Science and Engineering Center proposal process that is slated for the  
Fall of 2010.

More information about this submission can be found here: http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5295 
  and here:  http://mrsec.org/

We are hoping to get a wide range of input from interested faculty to  
see where we as a community can put forward our best ideas so that we  
maximize our chances of putting forward a winning proposal. And we are  
hoping to do this early, so that we can be both thorough and  
thoughtful.  He and I have some general ideas in mind, but they are  
just starters.

We will meet every other Wednesday at 3:30 in Room 1099, starting  
September 26th.   Your participation and input would be most welcome.

Eric Stach
David Janes

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