[Bnc-faculty-all-list] REMINDER - BNC Faculty Meeting, Friday, April 10th, 1PM, BRK 2001, ON BEHALF OF TIM SANDS

Deborah S Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 9 09:16:59 EDT 2009

Dear BNC faculty colleague-

. . . just a reminder.  Please attend if you can (details below).

Best Regards-


On 4/2/09 2:40 PM, "Deborah Starewich" <dstarewi at purdue.edu> wrote:

> Dear BNC faculty colleague,
> We have now been up and running in the Birck Nanotechnology Center  
> for over two years, and we - individually, and to a lesser extent,  
> collectively - now have an appreciation for what is working well  
> and what is not working as well as it could. It seems an opportune  
> time to have an ALL-faculty and faculty-ONLY meeting.
> Please join us in BRK 2001 from 1PM-3PM on April 10th. It is  
> important that you attend if you can, as we have several pressing  
> long-term and short-term issues to discuss, and your input will  
> help to determine the course that we take from here.
> The agenda is as follows:
> 1) "Citizenship" (shared responsibility; discipline policy; shared  
> space and shared equipment)- discussion led by Dave Janes
> 2) "The BNC financial Model (internal and external rates; results  
> of a benchmarking study; increasing industry participation; role of  
> our Managing
> Director, Monica Allain; development of core facilities; expansion  
> of scientific support staff; impact of recession on the BNC budget)  
> - discussion led by Tim Sands
> 3) Community building (topical workshops; reviving the BNC seminar  
> series; enhancing center proposal success; stimulus opportunities)  
> - discussion led by Dave Janes
> 4) Open discussion
> Best Regards-
> Tim Sands

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