[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Opportunity for BNC faculty to train for tours - Feb 12th

Timothy Sands tsands at exchange.purdue.edu
Thu Feb 7 11:40:38 EST 2008

Dear BNC faculty colleague:

As you probably know, BNC staff, students and faculty lead daily tours of
the BNC and Discovery Park to a wide variety of groups, including potential
stakeholders (e.g., CTOs in industry, program officers from federal funding
agencies, science journalists, distinguished colleagues, faculty recruits
and graduate student applicants).  Increasingly, these visits are directly
associated with potential large-scale research collaborations.  In many of
these cases, the appropriate "tour guide" is a member of the faculty who is
known to the visitor.

To assist you in giving the best tour possible in these situations, our
Engagement group is offering a workshop on February 12th from 1:30-3:30 PM
in Morgan 121...the details are given below.   If you have those two hours
free, I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.

Best Regards-


Timothy D. Sands
Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Discovery Park, Purdue University

TOUR TRAINING !!!! Candiss Vibbert, Associate Director for Discovery Park
Engagement and Associate Vice Provost for Engagement, invites you to a
workshop designed to provide you with the information and materials
necessary to host a wide variety of guests at Discovery Park.  This workshop
will be offered on February 12 from 1:30­3:30, in Burton Morgan 121.  If you
cannot attend at that time, but could attend a morning session on that same
day from 9:00-11:00, please RSVP with that information.
Since last July, over 1500 individuals have visited Discovery Park and many
of you have been tapped for assistance.  This workshop will provide you with
a DVD of a video that you can use for a broad overview as well as one-page
handouts and a list of key talking points for audiences with whom you would
like to highlight the key characteristics of Discovery Park.  We have a
broad range of supplemental materials, guides to assist you in considering
what areas to stress for differing audiences, a brochure about our
facilities, and a website where these materials can be found.  A script for
tours of both Bindley and Birck have been developed with stopping points and
key information on posters, so that it will be easy for everyone to host
Candiss¹s goal is to create a large group of FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENTS
who are confident that they can host visitors at Discovery Park and will
convey a consistent message to these guests.  This workshop should be a big
step toward this end.
If you cannot attend a session on the 12th, but are interested in hosting
guests to Discovery Park, please send your name so that other sessions may
be held.
Please RSVP to Valerie Lawless at (lawlessv at purdue.edu) and Deborah
Starewich (dstarewi at purdue.edu).
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