[Bnc-facility-notice] Birck Humidity Variation in Cleanroom and General Labs

Hosler, Daniel A dhosler at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 13 12:36:48 EDT 2021

Friendly reminder for tomorrow's anticipated humidity variation:



We will be doing emergency maintenance and repairs on the low-temperature chiller on July 14 and 15 within the Birck Nanotechnology Center.  This system controls humidity within the cleanroom and all the general laboratories.  During that period of time, humidity may fluctuate outside of the controlled setpoint of 45%.  Please make preparations in your research to accommodate these humidity variations.

We will notify you once the work is complete.

Thank you,
Dan Hosler
Research Facility Planning Engineer
Birck Nanotechnology Center  |  Room 1120
Office:  765.496.3883  |  Email:  dhosler at purdue.edu<mailto:dhosler at purdue.edu>
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