[Bnc-facility-notice] Birck operations during critical research support

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 25 08:01:52 EDT 2020

Sent on behalf of Ali Shakouri

Dear All,

Governor’s announcement and EVPRP’s follow up email on Monday highlighted that only critical research should continue starting from Wednesday 3/25 until the governor’s order is rescinded, currently scheduled for April 7. The message below from EVPRP gives the definition of critical research and explains ramp-down procedures. Here are some additional details about Birck related issues:

  *   Starting from later this morning (Wednesday), we will shut down all toxic, flammable, and hazardous gases. This is similar to our operation during the winter break with the exception that we can only support critical research activities approved by EVPRP.

  *   If anybody is planning to do critical research, you need to fill up the appropriate form<https://www.purdue.edu/research/covid-19/critical-research.php> on EVPRP website AND email Birck leadership so that we can evaluate facility and staff needs. So far I have received request from one group for COVID-19 sensor work.

     *   In your email to Birck, please identify everything needed: access to specific labs, name and email of researchers who need access, necessary consumable and chemicals and how often, shipping/receiving needs, hazardous waste disposal, etc.
     *   User who need to access the facility for critical research should follow strict guidelines for physical distancing and safety and hygiene practices.

  *   We ask that non-critical research is ramped down at the latest by Thursday 3/26 at 12 midnight. Please go over the Research Laboratory Ramp-Down Check List<https://www.purdue.edu/research/covid-19/critical-research.php> on EVPRP site (see the forms on the right hand side). This will allow our support staff to do walk throughs and inspect the facility on Friday.

     *   No consumables, supplies or equipment will be ordered for non-critical research activities
     *   After Friday, there will be no receiving of packages at Birck. If you are expecting a package that may arrive after Friday, you need to contact the supplier to delay or cancel shipment.  Packages in transient will be held at Purdue’s Materials Management Distribution Center https://www.purdue.edu/materials/.  Other packages send by express carriers e.g. Fed Ex & DHL may be held at their local depot.  Please check into package pickup requirements at each of the shipping locations on ID requirements for package pickup.
     *   For more information (including shipment and receiving of materials for critical research), please contact Mary Jo Totten (tottenm at purdue.edu<mailto:tottenm at purdue.edu>) and Mark Voorhis (mvoorhis at purdue.edu<mailto:mvoorhis at purdue.edu>).

  *   Liquid nitrogen deliveries to our bulk tank will continue, and specific staff members will periodically fill dewars for small uses.

  *   Staff members will periodically walk through the building to check on critical equipment and facilities. Staff will be working from home as much as possible as we would like to minimize their exposure.

  *   After the ramp-down of non critical research on Thursday, access to Birck will be limited to ONLY essential personnel, those with approved critical research or critical machines that require regular check-in during stand by (e.g. MBEs). The restricted access will be through the north east (main) entrance to the building. Please do not open exterior doors to allow unauthorized personnel into the center.

Zhihong, Sunil and I are indebted to Mark, Ron, Steve and our dedicated building and engineering staff who are making sure that our critical infrastructure is well maintained and users for critical projects can work in a safe environment. Thanks also to Sam Peana and NSAC who have great initiatives (e.g. virtual activities for students) which is so important in these unprecedented times.

COVID 19 situation is evolving very quickly. We will be in touch if there are any changes and before April 7 to give an update about our operation. I hope everybody is staying healthy and safe. Please let Zhihong, Sunil and I know if you have any suggestions or comments.

Best regards,

Ali Shakouri
Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director
Professor of  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Room 1027
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
(765) 496-6105; Fax: (765) 496-8299
shakouri at purdue.edu<mailto:shakouri at purdue.edu>

Begin forwarded message:

From: purdueresearch at purdue.edu<mailto:purdueresearch at purdue.edu>
Subject: Critical Research update from EVPRP
Date: March 24, 2020 at 9:25:00 PM EDT
To: ashakour at purdue.edu<mailto:ashakour at purdue.edu>

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March 24, 2020

The Purdue Research Community:

We appreciate your dedication to advancing Purdue’s research mission in a safe and responsible way during this unprecedented time, including transitioning to remote work whenever possible.  Thank you for your efforts!

Yesterday, Governor Holcomb’s office released an executive order for Hoosiers to remain in their homes except when they are at work or for permitted activities, such as taking care of others, obtaining necessary supplies, and for health and safety.  The order provides an exception for “[e]ducational institutions . . . for purposes of  . . . performing critical research or performing essential functions,” provided that social distancing practices continue to be followed.  The order is in effect from March 25 until April 7.

Research performed on the Purdue campus and at our locations across the state must comply with the Governor’s order. This means that laboratories should safely and responsibly ramp-down noncritical research in a manner that allows for all of our research activities to quickly ramp back up when restrictions are lifted.

When current social distancing (6 ft) and density (1 person per 120 sq. ft.) can be maintained, critical research and support functions in campus laboratories, agriculture centers, and field sites are defined as follows:

Critical Research

  *   Work that is directly related to preventing, containing, or treating COVID-19.
  *   Work that is directly related to national security.
  *   Work that if discontinued would pose a safety hazard.
  *   Laboratory or field work that if discontinued would result in significant data or sample loss.
  *   Longitudinal or seasonal work that if discontinued would result in significant data or sample loss.
  *   Clinical trials or human subject research that if discontinued would result in significant negative impact on patient care or human health.
  *   Seasonally dependent agricultural research that would have critical implications for human and animal health as well as food security.
Support Functions

  *   Research administration, regulatory, and support functions that are required by law.
  *   Work that maintains critical animal populations.
  *   Work that maintains critical plant populations, cell lines, and other living organisms.
  *   Work that maintains critical samples, materials, and reagents.
  *   Work that maintains critical equipment in facilities and labs, whether operational or in stand-by mode.
  *   Work necessary to ramp-down noncritical research after March 25.
To continue these critical research activities in Purdue campus laboratories, agriculture centers, or field sites after March 25, principal investigators or facility/site directors should complete a brief online Critical On-Campus Research Continuity Information Form available on the Purdue COVID-19 Research website<https://maillinks.purdue.edu/t/39311964/1558914122/83579050/0/124711/?x=0792a720>.

All personnel should follow previously announced guidance on social distancing/safety hygiene practices, human subjects and animal research, use of proper lab and safety equipment, and use of buddy system in labs with hazardous materials. Additionally, researchers and staff who are sick, have returned from travel outside of the state, or have concerns over their personal health and safety should not come to campus.

Research and support functions that fall outside of this definition should be safely and responsibly ramped-down using the Research Laboratory Ramp-Down Checklist by March 27. Removing university chemicals, materials, equipment, or animals to recreate experimental laboratories at off-site locations is not permitted.

Sign templates that should be completed and posted on all laboratory doors are also available on the website.

During this time, we strongly encourage you to continue all possible research and scholarly activities remotely. This includes work such as data analysis, writing projects, literature reviews, or online learning (coding, statistics, etc.).  Be sure that group members are well equipped to work remotely (VPN, Duo, etc.), and that special accommodations and approvals are obtained for use of proprietary or protected data and computing resources.

Purdue and Indiana University are issuing similar research guidance at this time.  It is our hope that this consistency will help to support our researchers who are collaborating across our universities, including critical research that is addressing the COVID-19 crisis.

Please know that we are here to support you. Our sponsored programs, regulatory affairs, program development, and many other teams have remote plans in place and remain operational. Feel free to contact us by e-mail with questions or concerns.

Theresa Mayer
Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships

Jay Akridge
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Research-related information

Research-related information is located on the Covid-19 website<https://maillinks.purdue.edu/t/39311964/1558914122/83579050/1/124711/?x=ed813123> for the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships.

Please check the website frequently for updates.
Campus-wide information

You can find the most recent campus-wide guidance on COVID-19 on Purdue's dedicated website<https://maillinks.purdue.edu/t/39311964/1558914122/83387379/0/124711/?x=c1bfdb75>.

Please check the website frequently for updates.
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Send comments or questions to purdueresearch at purdue.edu<mailto:purdueresearch at purdue.edu>.
Purdue University is an equal access, equal opportunity university.
Produced and published by the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships office.
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