[Bnc-facility-notice] Updates on Birck Access & Equipment Training

Reger, Ronald K rreger at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 4 15:24:33 EDT 2020

Dear Birck Research Community,

As we continue to ramp up our research activities in both the labs and cleanroom we wanted to describe access and training requirements to our user community.

As everyone knows we are now in the mode of being open under pandemic protocols.  All of our labs are green and under the required protocols of lab-specific individual Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  For anyone to gain access to any lab requires them to have a meeting with the POC (Point of Contact) of that lab to review the specific lab SOP.  Once the SOP is reviewed, and the user signs a document stating they will comply with the requirements of the SOP then the POC will arrange with Mary Jo for card-swipe access to be provided to the building and to that lab.  Of course this presumes the user was already approved to work in Birck prior to the pandemic closures.  If a person is new to Birck, they must first take BNC 111 (orientation and safety training) prior to having the SOP review meeting for a lab.  Also, if new users want to work in the cleanroom they must also take BNC 200 (Process Review) and BNC 206 (Cleanroom Gowning Training).  The cleanroom SOP must then be reviewed with me, and the signature page provided to me, before cleanroom access can be given.

We want to make sure everyone is aware that equipment training is now available, but also under COVID restrictions.  To receive any equipment-specific training which typically requires less than 6' distancing due to the interactive nature of training, the trainer and trainee must follow this protocol:

1.      Only 1-on-1 training is being conducted at this time.  We can't have more than one person being trained due to the increased risk of exposure with multiple trainees.

2.      This applies to all equipment training..... not just cleanroom process equipment, but also Electron Microscopy, Optics, Surface Analysis, Lab equipment, etc.

3.      Enhanced PPE must be worn.  In the cleanroom this is an additional face shield on the trainer and trainee (trainee at the discretion of the trainer).  In labs this enhanced PPE includes face shield, lab coat, gloves and face mask.

4.      iLabs is being used to request training for the individual tools.  As before the pandemic, we're using iLabs training requests to manage training.  Trainees are being taken on a first-come first-serve basis.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Welcome back!

Ron Reger
Birck Engineeirng

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