[Bnc-facility-notice] Coral Update-Please Read

Coy, John A jcoy at purdue.edu
Thu May 7 17:05:40 EDT 2009

Coral access is supported using the following link:

Your login and password are your Purdue Career Account.

Desktop links used for the previous version should be deleted and

You will need to trust two certificates.
1.  OpenCoral Software
MD5     5F CF AF 22 5C 98 A7 65 F0 E9 9F 49 A8 EC 83 57
SHA1    9C DC 44 03 0E FD 50 7A 38 F8 79 DC F4 0B B6 CD 0C 46 FA 80

2.  The Legion of the Bouncy Castle
MD5     EA 43 32 1B D1 1E BF 51 D2 1D 96 98 DF 56 FC 66
SHA1    B4 29 2D DA 06 B8 24 D6 29 02 89 E3 1E 33 2D 7A 3F 59 E1 5E

****If you are off campus, you must use the Purdue VPN client.****
has instructions for setting this up.

If you have any questions, email coral at ecn.purdue.edu


John Coy
Microfab Research Engineer
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

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