[BNC-all] FW: Call for applications - Purdue's nanotech research conference

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 27 14:24:26 EST 2023

Dear professors,

Please encourage your students to register for the upcoming conference here at Purdue: NanoExhibitions 2023! This is a nanotechnology conference which will be held on Feb. 24th in Discovery Park. We are still looking for professors, post-docs, and students who are interested in presenting their relevant research in the form of presentations or posters. We also have a distinguished lecture from Prof. Yurii Vlasov, the ECE Department chair at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; as well as a seminar hosted by the research scientists of Birck Nanotechnology Center.

NanoEX is a convenient way to share research and network with other groups from Purdue. There will be awards and recognitions as well - this would be great addition to you and your students' resumes! We will also be providing lunch for all presenters. Please read our original solicitation below for more details. We will accept any research that was published/discovered in the past 12 months or so: a flexible timespan. Please reach out to nsac at purdue.edu<mailto:nsac at purdue.edu> with any questions, comments, or concerns!

NanoEX Leadership

Apply Now!!!:  https://forms.gle/gDvzPnFRBiVagy73A


Attention! Submit your application to NanoExhibitions 2023 (NanoEX), the revamped  in-house conference at Purdue’s own, Birck Nanotechnology Center.  NanoEX is a conference for graduate researchers, post-docs, and professors to spread the word about their recent contributions to the world of science. This is also a phenomenal chance to learn more about the fabrication and characterization techniques in Discovery Park. This event is brought to you through the partnership of Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC), International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), and Birck Nanotechnology Center (BNC).
To support this endeavor, we are seeking high-achieving individuals across the entire field of Nanotechnology who would like to present their research in the form of a poster or a presentation. The event will take place on Friday, Feb. 24. 2023; below is an approximate schedule for the day:

            9a-11a, Plenary research talks, ~15min each + Q&A    MGN 121

            11a-12p, Distinguished Lecture from Professor and Faculty Head Yurii Vlasov, of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Includes Q&A     MGN 121

            12:15p-2p, Intro to BNC Research Staff session, lectures + staff panel. Lunch for all presenters included.    MGN 121

            2:15p-4p, Research Poster Open House: Come talk with your fellow students to network and learn about what goes on here at Birck!!    BNC Atrium

Anyone is invited to attend our conference, no matter your department or your academic status.  There will be many opportunities for networking between research groups here at Purdue who wouldn’t usually run into each other. Some groups could have opportunities for undergraduates to become involved with BNC research. Below is the link to register.  Applicants and attendees will use the same link, so a few questions are optional. Anyone who presents a poster or talk will have their lunch catered. There will also be awards and recognitions for the best presenters!! This event will be a fun way to connect with the engineering community here at Purdue. We hope to see you there!!

Apply Now!!!:  https://forms.gle/gDvzPnFRBiVagy73A
Please direct any questions to nsac at purdue.edu<mailto::nsac at purdue.edu>.

Copyright NSAC 2023

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