[BNC-all] FW: Interested in NSAC Intramural Sports? SP2023

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 11 10:03:48 EST 2023

Dear All,

Welcome back!  NSAC is excited to host events for the nanotechnology community this semester.  If you are interested in joining our Grad/Fac/Staff intramural sports teams, please fill out the interest form below. This is not binding, simply a method to get a headcount for which sports we could field teams for.  We have a long, storied tradition of volleyball excellence, but we are exploring the option of additionally going out for:

Sports Trivia
Turf Indoor Soccer
Ultimate Frisbee

Form link:  https://forms.gle/6ec9v6Hn9cDoLrwB8

Also, this Friday, we will be hosting a coffee social to reintroduce everyone to each other and hang out. Hope to see you there!

NSAC Exec. Committee

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