[BNC-all] FW: Seminars in Hearing Research. 4/27/23. Julie Cohen, Au.D., Ph.D., Scientific Reviewer/Audiologist, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 20 16:37:21 EDT 2023

Seminars in Hearing Research at Purdue (SHRP)

Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023

Time: 10:30 - 11:20 AM

Location: LYLE 1150 and via Zoom

Speaker: Julie Cohen, Au.D., Ph.D., Scientific Reviewer/Audiologist, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Title:   Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid regulation by the FDA.

Abstract:  This talk will provide an overview of the new over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid marketplace and OTC hearing aid regulation. Dr. Cohen will discuss the different regulatory processes for devices that are used to treat auditory and vestibular disorders, as well as her role as a scientific reviewer on the ENT devices team.

Zoom link for remote attendees: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/4326340458 Meeting ID: 432 634 0458

The working schedule is available here: https://purdue.edu/TPAN/hearing/shrp_schedule
The titles and abstracts of the talks will be added here: https://purdue.edu/TPAN/hearing/shrp_abstracts

Christine Reidy

Senior Administrative Assistant, Bindley Bioscience Center

BIND, 1203 W. State Str., West Lafayette, IN 47907

[A                     close up of a logo                     Description automatically generated]<http://www.purdue.edu/>

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