[BNC-all] Crossroads of Quantum and AI Poster Session (Nov. 3rd 2 - 4pm)

Araji, Sandy Salem saraji at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 11 10:16:54 EDT 2022

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Dear Purdue Researchers,

The Elmore ECE Emerging Frontiers Center: Crossroads of Quantum and AI invites all Purdue researchers to participate in a poster session in the MSEE Design Center on Nov. 3rd from 2-4pm EDT on topics of interest to the center. Students are encouraged to use posters they have already prepared, but new posters are welcome as well.

There will be one "best poster" award and two additional awards will be given to teams of two students who jointly develop a research idea that bridges the "virtual" and "physical" sides of ECE to approach a research problem of mutual interest. Initial brainstorming and team formation will happen during the poster session, with the research idea submitted the week after the poster session. All award winners will receive a $100 VISA gift card and will have their achievement highlighted on the Elmore Center's website. More details on the research idea submission will be communicated to poster session attendees.

Please register to participate in the session at this link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGBhK0_4ytLaF_pSBA0dlyoZUH3wX8TZaBRqA7Vh0BwSGzvw/viewform?usp=sharing>.

Topics of interest: quantum technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, large-scale manufacturing, photonics, and neuromorphic computing.

If you are unsure if your research aligns with the topics of interest, please feel free to reach out to Thomas Roth (rothte at purdue.edu<mailto:rothte at purdue.edu>), Joy Wang (joywang at purdue.edu<mailto:joywang at purdue.edu>), or Sasha Boltasseva (aeb at purdue.edu<mailto:aeb at purdue.edu>). For more information about the topics of interest to the Elmore Center, please see (https://engineering.purdue.edu/Elmore-EFC).

We look forward to seeing your posters!
Thomas, Joy, and Sasha

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