[BNC-all] FW: Eric Ryan Rodriguez - Newsletter information - 11.17.22 - hearing seminar

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 10 12:57:36 EST 2022

Hearing Seminar:

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022

Time: 10:30 - 11:20 AM

Location: LYLE 1150 and via Zoom

Zoom link for remote attendees: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/4326340458 Meeting ID: 432 634 0458

Title: ¿Manzanas o Naranjas? [Apples or Oranges?]: Comparing the English & Spanish AzBio Sentences-in-Noise Test Corpora

Speaker: Eric R. Rodriguez, AuD/PhD Student, SLHS

Abstract: Although the population of the United States is becoming increasingly diverse, the demographics of speech, language, and hearing professionals do not reflect this racial and linguistic diversity. This discrepancy is also apparent in the available speech-test batteries used during audiology assessments, such as the AzBio Sentences-in-Noise Test corpora. While the English AzBio is regarded as the "gold standard" for assessing cochlear implant candidacy in English speakers, the recently developed Spanish AzBio equivalent does not account for the dialectical or language experiences of most of the Spanish-speakers in the United States. Are these test corpora comparable in difficulty level for Spanish-speaking adults with varying dialects?

Zoom link for remote attendees: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/4326340458 Meeting ID: 432 634 0458

The working schedule is available here: https://purdue.edu/TPAN/hearing/shrp_schedule<http://ogww.mj.am/lnk/AU8AAEukm7AAAchk2HAAALFJlZgAAYCsFQMAnDnUAATD7ABh_T90ybQipdUVQZ20y9CAzjYFPgAEkSo/5/VzPUtXKo0Dowllp_TK_BrQ/aHR0cHM6Ly9wdXJkdWUuZWR1L1RQQU4vaGVhcmluZy9zaHJwX3NjaGVkdWxl>

The titles and abstracts of the talks will be added here: https://purdue.edu/TPAN/hearing/shrp_abstracts<http://ogww.mj.am/lnk/AU8AAEukm7AAAchk2HAAALFJlZgAAYCsFQMAnDnUAATD7ABh_T90ybQipdUVQZ20y9CAzjYFPgAEkSo/6/a2vUEcd_J6SQbZdR8Ley5Q/aHR0cHM6Ly9wdXJkdWUuZWR1L1RQQU4vaGVhcmluZy9zaHJwX2Fic3RyYWN0cw>

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