[BNC-all] Attention all users of Birck "J Bay"

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Mon May 16 12:46:05 EDT 2022

Sent on behalf of Neil Dilley

Dear users,

You are receiving this email because you have card access to the J Bay (2100 J) of the Birck clean room.
Recently I have taken over responsibility for J Bay tools (from Nithin Raghunathan), and I look forward to further developing the characterization capabilities and increasing our user base.
We first need to do some housekeeping, and then we can plan for next steps in J Bay.


  1.  If you keep your smock in the gowning room of J Bay, please Label your smock and hanger, otherwise it will be disposed of. Using the label maker there, label your hanger with your name and Purdue ID (or email if you're external to Purdue). To label your smock, you can attach a label to a clear plastic tag + clip, of which I've supplied a few by the label maker.
  2.  Label a bin for shoe covers/hairnets and please reuse these if possible; unlabeled bins will be emptied of their contents.
  3.  Also Label your bin for safety eyewear, if you keep a pair there.
  4.  I will do this cleanout of unclaimed smocks, etc. in 2 weeks.

Other things :

  *   A rack of totes for each research group is on order (arrives late July), and will enable us to reduce clutter and keep track of things.
  *   There are clearly marked QR codes and labels on equipment which is on the recharge, otherwise the instrument and any tools on that bench are the property of a particular group and are not for general use.
  *   The MicroManipulator P200L semi-automated probe station is being set up on the recharge, let me know if you have interest in using that to scan arrays of devices:

If you have issues, requests, or questions, please let me know how J Bay can be a more productive space for you!
I will be keeping a close eye on iLab usage and the general state of the space, and I thank you in advance for your good citizenship.
Best regards,

Neil R. Dilley, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Birck Nanotechnology Center , Rm 1010
1205 West State St.
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2057

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