[BNC-all] FW: Special Seminar Series - Dr. R. Nagarajan (IIT Madras and Purdue University)

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Mon May 2 13:24:03 EDT 2022

Dear All,

On behalf of Purdue University’s Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, we are glad to announce a Special Seminar Series which will be given by Dr. R. Nagarajan from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He is currently at Purdue University as our Robert T. Henson Distinguished Visiting Scholar. This seminar series comprises of 1-hour lectures which will be given during the course of 5 separate days, all of which will have pizza being served on a first-come, first-serve basis in FRNY 3059. Below you will find the flyer for this lecture series.

FRNY 3059 @ 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Dates Held:

Monday, May 2

Friday, May 6

Monday, May 9

Wednesday, May 11

Friday, May 13

We look forward to having you in attendance!


  [Davidson_H-Full-CMYK_1200px] <https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE>
  Joshua Gonzalez
  Operations Coordinator
  [Phone_1D_11x16px]  (765) 494-4365 | [Fax_1D_16x16px]  (765) 494-0805

Special Seminar Series

Dr. R. Nagarajan
Alumni Community Chair Professor
& Robert T. Henson Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
& Purdue University

Dr. Nagarajan is Alumni Community Chair Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Madras, having previously served as the Department Head from October 2018- November 2021, and prior to that for two terms as the Institute’s first-ever Dean of Alumni & International Relations He obtained his B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering in 1981 from IIT Madras, and a Ph.D. in the same field from Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) in 1986. From 1986 - 1988, he served as Research Faculty in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; during this tenure, he served as coordinator for research projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Navy. From 1988 – 2003, Dr. Nagarajan was a Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM Storage Systems’ Development Laboratory in San Jose, CA, where he oversaw elimination of ozone-depleting chemicals from IBM’s manufacturing operations, and directed many ground-breaking efforts in the areas of chemical integration & micro-contamination control for hard disk drives.

Dr. Nagarajan returned to Chennai in 2003, and served as G.S. Laddha Visiting Professor at A.C. College of Technology for one semester, prior to taking up his position as Professor at IIT Madras in February 2004. His teaching and research endeavors are focused on cleanroom processes, nano-technology and ultrasonic process-intensification. From 2009-2012, he served as Advisor, Office of Alumni Affairs at IIT Madras, and from October 2012 - September 2018, as Dean of International & Alumni Relations. During his tenure, fund-raising from alumni and corporates was increased 150X from Rs. 50 lakhs per annum to Rs.75 crores, and 20 Joint Doctorate Programs were established with highly-ranked international Universities. In April 2018, Dr. Nagarajan was named as an “Institute Chair Professor” by IIT Madras.

He is currently on sabbatical at Purdue University as Robert T Henson Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Davidson school of Chemical Engineering.

*******       *******

"Contamination Control in High Purity Manufacturing"
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
FRNY 3059
– Pizza will be provided in FRNY 3059 –

Dates Held:

Monday, May 2

Friday, May 6

Monday, May 9

Wednesday, May 11

Friday, May 13

Particulate, chemical and microbial contamination is widely recognized as a key factor that affects process yield and product reliability in diverse industries, such as microelectronics, data storage, aerospace, pharmaceutical, biomedical devices, automotive, food processing, and nano-materials synthesis. The control of microorganisms is especially critical in the medical device, pharmaceutical and food industries. There are many potential sources of contamination in a cleanroom process-- facilities, chemicals, workstations, process, garments, consumables, people, etc. The relative magnitudes of these sources vary from process to process, and must be quantified and prioritized. This Seminar Series is intended to present an overview of the interdisciplinary skills required of Contamination Control professionals, and highlight the roles that chemical engineers can play.

Outline of Lectures:

Basics of Contamination Control: Contamination sources & effects; Adhesion forces;  Contamination Control Strategy; Contamination Measurement Techniques; Contamination Specifications in Fluids & on Surfaces; Industry Standards: SEMI, IEST, IDEMA; Microorganisms in Cleanrooms (1 Lecture)

Testing and Analysis Methods: Functional Tests; Nonfunctional Tests: Qualitative, Quantitative; Statistical Analysis Methods; Microorganisms in Cleanrooms- Sampling Methods (1 Lecture)

Contamination Sources & Controls-- Cleanroom Facilities & Workstations: Basics of cleanroom design; Airflow in cleanrooms; Continuous monitoring; Tool & workstation layout; Materials & surface treatments for cleanroom workstations; Selection & evaluation of workstation components (3 Lectures)

Contamination Sources & Controls-- Personnel & Consumables: Types of contamination; • Gowning protocols; Procedures for entering a cleanroom; Behavior in a cleanroom; Procedures for exiting a cleanroom; Garments & laundry services; Gloves, Wipers & Swabs; Facial coverings; Reusable & disposable packaging materials (2 Lectures).

Davidson School of Chemical Engineering<https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE>
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-4050<tel:+17654944050>

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