[BNC-all] Image Contest

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 2 07:21:13 EST 2022

2022 Birck Nanotechnology Center
Research Image Contest
Entries due by December 12, 2022
Sponsored by NSAC and Birck leadership
If we get at least 30 entries, then the top three entries will win cash prizes of $100 each, and the grand prize winner also wins the NanoHat: a brand new, comfy winter cap adorned with structurally colored sequins (on display in Neil's office)!
Please share your research images which showcase the beauty you've observed around you at Birck! All members of the Birck community - students, staff, and faculty - are welcome to submit their images that can include not only research images but also photos of life here at Birck. For research images, we ask that you also write a short paragraph explaining what we are looking at and why it is significant to you.
We will assemble a panel of judges and announce awards at the BNC Holiday Party in December.
You can submit multiple images anytime between now and December 12, 2022 to a new MS Teams channel we have set up for the image contest, see link or QR code below:
[Qr code  Description automatically generated]https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a200d8bd979d54a2cb619552bbeb6480a%40thread.tacv2/2022%2520BNC%2520Research%2520Image%2520Contest?groupId=5bf94bef-11c6-4867-b6b1-a3a6d90de4e9&tenantId=4130bd39-7c53-419c-b1e5-8758d6d63f21
If you have issues or questions, please email Neil Dilley at ndilley at purdue.edu<mailto:ndilley at purdue.edu> .
Happy image hunting!
[Text, logo, company name  Description automatically generated]  and the Birck Nanotechnology Center
[A picture containing text, indoor, seat  Description automatically generated][A picture containing background pattern  Description automatically generated][A group of colorful feathers  Description automatically generated with low confidence][A picture containing indoor, birthday, office, chocolate  Description automatically generated][A picture containing tool  Description automatically generated][cid:image009.png at 01D9061C.D336DFA0][A close-up of a person's chest  Description automatically generated with medium confidence]

Neil R. Dilley, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Birck Nanotechnology Center , Rm 1010
1205 West State St.
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2057

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