[BNC-all] BNC Faculty Seminar Series: Speaker - Letian Dou - Feb 11th | 12noon | via Zoom

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 8 10:24:47 EST 2021

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The BNC Faculty Seminar Series is designed to provide faculty a platform to present an overview of their research and the opportunity for collaborative discussion with other BNC faculty and researchers across six colleges and 15 academic units.

Letian Dou
Charles Davidson Chair Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

February 11th, 2021 | 12:00pm
Join Zoom: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/91754078808

Title: Organic-Perovskite Hybrid Quantum Wells, Heterostructure, and Optoelectronics

Abstract: Halide perovskites are exciting new semiconductors that show great promising in low cost and high-performance optoelectronics devices including solar cells, LEDs, photodetectors, transistors, etc. However, the poor stability is limiting their practical use. In this talk, I will present a molecular approach to the synthesis of a new family of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite quantum wells incorporating widely tunable organic semiconducting building blocks. Energy transfer and charge transfer between adjacent organic and inorganic layers are extremely fast and efficient, owing to the atomically-flat interface and ultra-small interlayer distance. Importantly, this rigid conjugated ligand design dramatically enhances materials' chemical stability and suppresses solid-state ion migration and diffusion, making them promising for real-world applications. Based on this, we demonstrate for the first time an epitaxial halide perovskite heterostructure with near atomically-sharp interface, which pave the way for perovskite nanoelectronics and nanophotonics. Finally, using this stable organic-perovskite hybrid quantum well concept, we demonstrate the fabrication of high-quality polycrystalline thin films and highly stable and efficient solar cells and LEDs as well as high mobility transistors.

Bio: [cid:image003.jpg at 01D6FE04.9F253B70] Dr. Letian Dou is currently the Charles Davidson Chair Assistant Professor of chemical engineering at Purdue University. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from Peking University in 2009 and Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from UCLA in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Chemistry, University of California-Berkeley and Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research interest includes the design and synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials and low-dimensional materials, fundamental understanding of the structure-property relationships, as well as applications in high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. He is a recipient of Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2019), Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Fields (2019-2020), MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35-China Award (2018), and MRS Graduate Student Award (2014).

Upcoming BNC Virtual Faculty Seminars, Spring 2021:

Dmitry Zemlyanov, Senior Research Scientist - Surface Science Application, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Growth and characterization of 2D materials
Yi Xie, Assistant Professor, School of Nuclear Engineering
Degradation of Structural Materials and Fuels in Nuclear Systems
Letian Dou, Assistant Professor, Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Organic-Perovskite Hybrid Quantum Wells, Heterostructure, and Optoelectronics
Nikhilesh Chawla, Ransburg Professor, School of Materials Engineering
4D Materials Science - Probing Microstructural Evolution Through Time-Resolved Imaging
Sorin Adam Matei, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education, College of Liberal Arts, Professor of Communication, Brian Lamb School of Communication
Team Science - what it is, how it works, and why it does not always work the way we want it to work
David Cappelleri, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Microrobotics Research Highlights
Stylianos Chatzidakis, Assistant Professor, School of Nuclear Engineering
Reading Day
Tyler Tallman, Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Alex Chortos, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Ajay Malshe, R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Suranjan Panigrahi, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Alejandro Strachan, Professor of Materials Engineering
Dead Week
Finals Week


Jaime Turner
Lead Administrative Assistant to the Director | Birck Nanotechnology Center
BRK | 1205 W State Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-3509<tel:7654943509> | m: 765-491-3064<tel:7654913064> | jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>


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