[BNC-all] JOINT ECE and BNC Virtual Faculty Seminar: Speaker - Krishna Jayant - Nov. 12th @ 10:00am via Zoom

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 11 11:42:20 EST 2020

ECE and Birck Joint Virtual Seminar

Krishna Jayant
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

November 12th, 2020 | 10:00am
Join Zoom Meeting: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/94730880530

Title: Nanoscale electrical and optical neurotechnologies for mapping the sub-cellular neural code

Abstract: Single neuron computations span multiple scales - from synapse to dendrite to the soma. Mapping single neuron input-output electrical transformations as well as decoding their computational rules remains a central question in neuroscience and a key need for a thorough understanding of both microcircuit function as well as behavioral output. In this talk I will present both published and ongoing work in which we exploit multimodal approaches to address key challenges in the field of single neuron computation. In the first part of my talk, I will describe our work on mapping dendritic spine electrical dynamics. Dendritic spines, characterized by a small head (volume~0.01-0.1μm3) and narrow neck (diameter~0.1μm, length~1μm), are the primary site of excitatory synaptic input in the mammalian brain. Synaptic inputs made onto spines first integrate onto dendrites, and subsequently propagate towards the soma and axon initial segment, where they further integrate with other inputs to determine overall action potential output. Elucidating the electrical properties of spines is thus paramount for understanding the first steps along this signal processing chain. I will describe our work using quantum-dot labeled quartz nanopipettes (15-30 nm diameters) under two-photon visualization for targeted intracellular recordings from spines1 and small pre-synaptic terminals. I will show through detailed experiments that (i) spines receive large EPSPs (25-30mV), and (ii) estimated neck resistances are large enough to influence electrical isolation (mean ~420 M?), and filter synaptic input as it invades the dendrite. I will then briefly describe the theoretical implications of these properties2 and describe key advances in amplifier design that can enable previously unattainable experiments on spines4. I will then describe recent results from my lab using two-photon holography to stimulate spines in 3D to unravel dendritic spine co-operativity across dendrites. In the second part of this talk, I will switch gears and describe a new method in which I combine the flexible property of these nanopipettes with microprisms to enable simultaneous two-photon calcium imaging and targeted intracellular electrophysiology from dendrites in vivo during behavior3. Last, I will give a succinct overview of our recent work at Purdue, including two-photon compatible transparent nanoelectrode arrays for mapping dendritic activity from the surface of the awake-behaving brain. I will conclude by presenting a snapshot of key collaborative projects at Purdue that highlight the integration of nanoscience and neuroscience.
1  Jayant, K. et al. Targeted intracellular voltage recordings from dendritic spines using quantum-dot-coated nanopipettes. Nature Nano, (2017).
2  Thibault Lagache, Krishna Jayant & Rafael Yuste,. Electrodiffusion modelling of spine voltage dynamics. J. Comp. Neurosci, 2019
3  Jayant, K. et al. Flexible nanopipettes for motion-insensitive intracellular electrophysiology in vivo. Cell Reports (2019).
4. Shekar, S., Jayant, K., et al,  A miniaturized multi-clamp CMOS amplifier for intracellular neural recording, Nature Electronics, 2019

Bio:  Krishna Jayant received his B.Tech degree in electrical engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Trichy, India in 2005, where as part of his bachelor's thesis he worked on bio-inspired optimization techniques. After brief research stints at IISc Bangalore (2005-2006), and the University of Bologna (2006-2007), both in the area of microelectronics, he joined Cornell University, Ithaca NY, where he received his M.S/PhD in electrical engineering in 2014 working with Prof. Edwin C. Kan on Bioelectronics. He then joined Columbia University for postdoctoral research training with Profs. Rafael Yuste, Ken Shepard, and Ozgur Sahin in the field of circuit neuroscience, biophysics, and CMOS integrated neurotechnology. Here, he was awarded the prestigious Kavli Post-Doctoral Fellowship for carrying out work at the intersection of nanoscience and neuroscience. As an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue, his laboratory focuses on elucidating the biophysical features involved in neural computation and their behavioral relevance using a combination of nano-electrophysiology, optical microscopy, CMOS integrated systems, and modeling. His research is supported by the NIH Trailblazer Award, the HFSP young investigator grant, and the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award.

Upcoming BNC Virtual Faculty Seminars, Fall 2020:

Ali Shakouri, Director of Birck Nanotechnology Center
Overview of SMART Industry Consortium
Luna Lu, Professor of Civil Engineering -  *Note time change*  (10am - 11am): Co-Hosted with ECE
Nanotechnology for Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications
Alex Ma, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Superconducting circuits for quantum simulation and quantum information sciences
Hadiseh Alaeian, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
atom-Nanophotonics at low dimensions
Jianguo Mei, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Semiconducting Polymers: A Journey from Scientific Curiosity to Technology Commercialization
Chen-Lung Hung, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Engineering atom-nanophotonics hybrid lattices
Chi Hwan Lee, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Sticker-Like Flexible Sensors for Wearable Healthcare Applications
Ryan Wagner, Research Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Atomic force microscopy as a tool for multiphysics nanoscale characterization
Arnab Banerjee, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Co-design towards exotic spin-based systems and devices
Krishna Jayant, Professor of BME - *Note time change*  (10am - 11am): Co-Hosted with ECE
Xiulin Ruan, Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
First Principles and Machine Leaning Predictions of Thermal and Optical Properties, and the Developments of Radiative Cooling Paints

Spring 2021 Schedule:




Yi Xie, Assistant Professor, School of Nuclear Engineering
Degradation of Structural Materials and Fuels in Nuclear Systems

Letian Dou, Assistant Professor, Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Organic-Perovskite Hybrid Quantum Wells, Heterostructure, and Optoelectronics

Nikhilesh Chawla, Ransburg Professor, School of Materials Engineering
4D Materials Science - Probing Microstructural Evolution Through Time-Resolved Imaging


David Cappelleri, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Microrobotics Research Highlights

Stylianos Chatzidakis, Assistant Professor, School of Nuclear Engineering


Reading Day

Tyler Tallman, Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics






Dead Week


Finals Week


Jaime Turner
Lead Administrative Assistant to the Director | Birck Nanotechnology Center
BRK | 1205 W State Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-3509<tel:7654943509> | m: 765-491-3064<tel:7654913064> | jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>


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