[BNC-all] BNC FY21 Recharge Rates

Reger, Ronald K rreger at purdue.edu
Thu Jul 23 08:20:18 EDT 2020

Dear Birck Research Community,

As you know we have been working for several weeks to study and re-do our recharge rates which hadn't been updated for several years.  This effort has been led by Justin Wirth, a member of the Birck engineering staff, and he has done an exceptional job in simplifying the approach and in making it much easier to update rates in the future.  Many kudos to Justin, the entire Business office management staff, and Purdue Cost Accounting as this approach will likely become a go-to model going forward.

Please see attached for Birck's FY21 recharge rates, effective July 1, 2020.  Here are some important changes but please read the attached for more information on all of these topics:

-  Tools are now grouped into "services". The cost for each service is listed in the attached. Individual tools are now grouped in iLab under their service name.
-  All equipment is now charged hourly, with the exception of metallization systems (evaporators, sputterers, electroplaters, and pulsed laser deposition systems are charged per use) and much of the recharge equipment in the Bio Labs (BASi, Bio Confocal, Gamry, Laser Capture Microdissection System, Vacuum Oven, Zetasizer Nano, KOH Bath System), which are now covered under the daily Bio Lab rate.
-  Cleanroom optical microscopes (Nikons, Keyence) are now included in the "General Metrology" service. Previously they were included in the cost of cleanroom access. Interlocks will be added in the near future, along with tablet kiosks for easy enabling via the iLab Kiosk interface.
-  Cap changes: Caps, which apply to internal users only, have been changed. The Monthly Lab Access Cap has been increased from 8 days/month to 15 days/month. The Scifres Equipment Service Cap is now set at a hard cap of $12,000, and is uncapped after a user receives $12,000 (100% the cap level) through the cap.
-  Lab Access Fees: Entry into any BRK lab/galley (this includes the cleanroom as well) is now charged the Birck Lab Fee ($10/day for internals), and depending on the lab type, lab surcharges are additionally charged. Each type of fee/surcharge is only charged once per day, and it may be possible to be charged the Birck Lab Fee and all four surcharges for one day of access. All labs/galleys have an associated surcharge on top of the Birck Lab Fee.
                -  Cleanroom Surcharge (BRK 2100A): $27/day for internals
                                - Bio Labs Surcharge (BSL1/2 Labs): $6/day for internals
                -  General Labs Surcharge (any other labs/galleys): $2/day for internals
                -  3D3C Surcharge (BRK 2087): $18/day for internals, charged in addition to the Bio Labs Surcharge.
-  Due to some minor technical reasons related to how staff time can be distributed to each service, a few of the service prices have changed slightly from when they were previously shared with faculty. The only ones that have changed more than one or two dollars per hour/use are (internal rates):
-  Advanced Packaging and Assembly: $37/hr now instead of $40/hr
-  General Roll to Roll: $112/hr vs. $120/hr
-  Maxwell Roll to Roll: $175/hr vs. $200/hr
-  Engineering Staff Time: $66/hr vs. 61 /hr
-  Prices for external users are rounded up to the nearest dollar, and as before, include F&A costs in the listed price.

The teamwork among the engineering staff, Birck management, the Business Office, and Cost Accounting was exceptional!  Thanks much for your support of this effort.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Ron Reger and the Birck Management Team

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