[BNC-all] BNC E-news: August 17, 2020

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 17 12:36:51 EDT 2020

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Responding to COVID-19: Research Operations at Birck



Equipment training is now available under COVID restrictions.  To receive any equipment-specific training which typically requires less than 6' distancing due to the interactive nature of training, the trainer and trainee must follow this protocol:

  1.  Only 1-on-1 training is being conducted at this time.  We can't have more than one person being trained due to the increased risk of exposure with multiple trainees.
  2.  This applies to all equipment training..... not just cleanroom process equipment, but also Electron Microscopy, Optics, Surface Analysis, Lab equipment, etc.
  3.  Enhanced PPE must be worn.  In the cleanroom this is an additional face shield on the trainer and trainee (trainee at the discretion of the trainer).  In labs this enhanced PPE includes face shield, lab coat, gloves and face mask.
  4.  iLabs is being used to request training for the individual tools.  As before the pandemic, we're using iLabs training requests to manage training.  Trainees are being taken on a first-come first-serve basis.

Cleanroom Gowning Safety

To promote safe practices in the cleanroom gowning room please make sure you store your head cover and face mask completely inside your gown and then zip it up.  This will enclose the head gear as much as possible and prevent it from touching an adjacent gown.  This picture shows the improper way to store your head gear as the gown is not zipped up and this would allow the head gear to potentially touch the neighboring gown.  Your cooperation is appreciated!

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Seminars /Workshops / Events

BNC Virtual Town Hall<https://purdue.webex.com/purdue/j.php?MTID=md31035c9a590cca65a27876f98a1c3ce>

Friday, August 21st, 2020

10:00am - 11:00am

Topics Covered: Updates about Birck operations, safety protocols, equipment training, new rates and financial impact of the shutdown.

Birck Events<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php> and Birck News<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/news/index.php>

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

[Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>    [Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>

***If you have any news items (published papers, research news, awards, honors) please send to jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu> so they may be included on Birck's website, Facebook and Twitter pages***

Jaime Turner
Lead Administrative Assistant to the Director | Birck Nanotechnology Center
BRK | 1205 W State Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-3509<tel:7654943509> | m: 765-491-3064<tel:7654913064> | jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>


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