[BNC-all] Reminder: Fab Forum today @ 3 PM in BNC Atrium with Coffee, Tea, and Snacks

Wirth, Justin C jcwirth at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 24 15:01:14 EDT 2019

Greetings all, this week at Fab Forum Jerry Shepard will be Introducing the Automated Selected Area Polisher (ASAP-1). Equipment and administrative updates will precede; open discussion and questions will follow.

This week light snacks will be served along with:
Coffee of the week: Hatian Blue, medium roast
Tea of the week: Herbal chamomile blend

Fab Forum is held every Tuesday at 3 PM in the BNC atrium, and allows BNC researchers a place to discuss their current problems, concerns, or successes with sample fabrication, characterization, or equipment use.

Last week's talk has been posted on the BNCWiki:

Thanks, we hope to see you there,

Justin C. Wirth
Research Engineer - EBL Processes & Nanofab Process Consultation
Birck Nanotechnology Center | Room 2287A
765.494.8203 | jcwirth at purdue.edu<mailto:jcwirth at purdue.edu>

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