[BNC-all] Blood Drive Sept 19th

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 17 16:08:36 EDT 2019

REMINDER: Blood Drive this Thursday, 9/19/19 in BRK 1001, hosted by NSAC.  Donors are needed, please see information below to sign up!

What: Saving lives through blood donations
When: Sept 19th, 11:00-3:30pm
Where: Birck 1001

Hello all,

The NSAC and the Indiana Blood Center are organizing a blood drive Sept 19th.

Blood donations are critical for saving lives in cases where blood transfusions are needed! This is your chance to participate in lifesaving work.

We need donors, please schedule your donation today at  http://donorpoint.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/132588. To verify eligibility please see the following FAQ: https://www.versiti.org/ways-to-give/blood-donation/donation-eligibility-faq

In particular if you have gone out of the country in the last year or are an international student please check your eligibility  at these sources: https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/blood_banks.htmland http://www.hsa.gov.sg/content/hsa/en/Blood_Services/Blood_Donation/Can_I_Donate/Overseas_Deferral_Criteria.html

If you have any questions regarding this blood drive please feel free to contact me at speana at purdue.edu<mailto:speana at purdue.edu>.


-Sam Peana

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