[BNC-all] Update: abbreviated Fab Forum today @ 3 PM in BNC Atrium with Coffee, Tea, and Snacks

Wirth, Justin C jcwirth at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 22 14:26:07 EDT 2019

Greetings all, due to interest in the PQSEI Seminar: Prof. Andrew Weiner and Dr. Poolad Imany<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=2361> "From Qubits to Qudits: Time-Frequency Encoded Photons for Quantum Information" today @ 3:30pm in MRGN 129, Fab Forum will be abbreviated this week. In the abbreviated format, we'll have administrative updates (particularly on the results of the October Preventative Maintenance Shutdown) and open discussion immediately to follow.

This week light snacks will be served along with:
Coffee of the Week: Ethiopian, medium roast
Tea of the Week: Chai

Rich Hosler's talk on the new Plasma-Therm APEX SLR HDPCVD has been rescheduled for next week, Tuesday 10/29/2019.

Fab Forum is held Tuesday at 3 PM in the BNC atrium, and allows BNC researchers a place to discuss their current problems, concerns, or successes with sample fabrication, characterization, or equipment use. The Fall 2019 talk schedule can be viewed here<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/Fab+Forum#FabForum-Fall2019Schedule>.

Thanks, we hope to see you there,

Justin C. Wirth, PhD
Research Engineer - EBL Processes & Nanofab Process Consultation
Birck Nanotechnology Center | Room 2287A
765.494.8203 | jcwirth at purdue.edu

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