[BNC-all] SEM sample prep area has been moved!

Xingtao Liu liu1749 at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 26 10:26:20 EDT 2019

Good morning,

This is Xingtao Liu, the RA in Birck Electron Microscopy Core. If you are a user of Hitachi S-4800 SEM. please pay attention to the information below:

The holders and other sample prep stuff have been moved to SEM room(1235) from sample prep room(1233), you do not need to go to sample prep room for to get prepare your sample any more. The holders and tapes are on the table of SEM room(1235). Please keep it clean and put the holder back after you use any of the stuff. Please do not take away any of the holders without permission. You may have a permanent ban of the access if you have sever misconduct. In addition, please DO NO REUSE GLOVES. If there is anything I can be of help, please let me know.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best regards,


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