[BNC-all] FINAL REMINDER: BNC 151 must be completed TODAY to maintain lab access

Wirth, Justin C jcwirth at purdue.edu
Thu Jan 24 13:07:48 EST 2019

Quick reminder that the BNC 151 badge must be obtained by the end of the day, or BNC lab access will be revoked. Please direct any questions or issues to sejurss at purdue.edu<mailto:sejurss at purdue.edu> and jcwirth at purdue.edu<mailto:jcwirth at purdue.edu> before 5 PM today to ensure those questions/issues are addressed.

Beginning this calendar year, the BNC 151 badge is replacing the annual BNC All User Meeting, and is required for all users wishing to maintain lab access to any of the dry, solvent, acid, bio, or cleanroom labs in BNC for the year 2019.

To begin earning the badge:

  1.  Navigate to the BNC Passport Group page: https://www.openpassport.org/Group/bnc
     *   Login with your Purdue ID and BoilerKey (if not already logged in)
  2.  Once at the BNC Passport Group page, click the "Join Group" button.
  3.  Click the BNC 151 badge icon, or navigate directly to the badge page: https://www.openpassport.org/Badge/bnc151-2019
  4.  Click the "Get Started" button

Obtaining this badge requires:

  1.  A review of the current BNC 150 training slides<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/download/attachments/95882934/BNC%20150%20Slides.pdf>.
  2.  A review of the current Chemical Hygiene Plan<https://www.purdue.edu/ehps/rem/documents/programs/chp2014.pdf>.
  3.  Passing a quiz on content from the BNC 150 training slides and the Chemical Hygiene Plan. An 80% or better is required to pass. The quiz may be retaken once, if needed. You may refer to the BNC 150 slides and Chemical Hygiene Plan during the quiz.

Please note:

  *   BNC Lab access will be revoked if not completed by 11:59:59 PM on Thursday, January 24th, 2019.
  *   If completed after this date, to get your access reinstated, forward a copy of your badge completion email to Mary Jo Totten<mailto:tottenm at purdue.edu?subject=Late%20BNC%20151%20Completion> with the subject line "Late BNC 151 Completion". Access will be reinstated after a 7 day waiting period.
  *   If you fail to obtain an 80% after a second attempt on the quiz, your submission must be manually reset. Email Steve Jurss<mailto:sejurss at purdue.edu?subject=BNC%20151%20Quiz%20Reset> with the subject line "BNC 151 Quiz Reset" to setup a meeting to discuss any points of confusion and reset your submission.

The review and quiz take the form of a badge in the Purdue developed Open Passport<https://www.openpassport.org/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f#WhatIsPassport>, a micro-credentialing system to demonstrate competencies and achievements. More information on Passport<https://www.openpassport.org/> may be found here: https://www.openpassport.org/Account/GettingStartedGuide


A few users have had issues seeing the quiz when going directly to the badge link. If you have this issue, please follow the instructions below:

First, be sure that you've joined the BNC Passport group. If not, you may be able to see the badge and the descriptions of the challenges, but won't be able to begin them:

  1.  Navigate to the BNC Passport Group page: https://www.openpassport.org/Group/bnc
  2.  Login with your Purdue ID and BoilerKey (if not already logged in)
  3.  Once at the BNC Passport Group page, click the "Join Group" button.

After that, you can navigate to the badge page. Once there, there should be a blue "Get Started" button under the badge title.

  1.  Click the BNC 151 badge icon, or navigate directly to the badge page: https://www.openpassport.org/Badge/bnc151-2019
  2.  Click the "Get Started" button

Once you click the "Get Started" button, it will walk you through questions verifying review of the BNC 150 sides and the CHP, and then the quiz will follow.
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