[BNC-all] BNC Fab Forum: Begins Next Mon. 10/22 @ 1 PM in the BNC Atrium

Wirth, Justin C jcwirth at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 15 10:22:52 EDT 2018

Starting next Monday, 10/22, BNC will begin holding a weekly discussion called Fab Forum every Monday at 1 PM in the BNC atrium. It will allow Birck researchers a place to discuss their current problems, concerns, or successes with sample fabrication, characterization, or equipment use. Snacks and hot beverages (tea, coffee) will be served.

The weekly format will be:

*         A brief update (~5 min, with Q&A) from BNC Staff on any particularly relevant administrative or equipment topics.

*         A short presentation (~15 min, including Q&A)  from BNC Staff or a senior researcher on a fabrication or characterization topic.

*         Presentations of topics from researchers with slides or images (5-15 min each, with Q&A).

o   Researchers sign up for a slot by adding their slides the Fab Forum page, along with their name and topic, prior to Noon on the day of the Forum. They can also be emailed to jcwirth at purdue.edu for addition.

*         An open forum for discussing any problems, concerns, or successes with sample fabrication, characterization, or equipment use. Length will depend on the number of questions and topics brought up

*         The presentation and topics discussed at the weekly Forum will be added to the Forum page, so that researchers unable to attend may review any topics brought up. However, in person attendance is obviously encouraged, as there is no discussion without in person attendance.

Sign up for a slot on the Wiki page for the 10/22 forum:

Questions brought up at the NSAC coffee hour on 10/5 have been recorded and answers are being added:

Thanks, we hope to see you there,

Justin C. Wirth
Research Engineer - EBL Processes & Nanofab Process Consultation
Birck Nanotechnology Center | Room 2287A
765.494.8203 | jcwirth at purdue.edu<mailto:jcwirth at purdue.edu>

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