[BNC-all] SMART industry meeting, Storytelling competition

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 13 19:45:40 EST 2018

Dear All,

We will have our SMART industry meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). If your schedule permits, I encourage you to attend the talks 8-12pm in Burton Morgan 121. In particular, John Hamer will give a keynote talk 11-12 on Deep Tech Investments in Life Sciences.

In the afternoon, we will have the Shark tank Story telling Competition 3:30-5pm (Burton Morgan 121). See below the list of students participating in the competition.

Best regards,

SMART Films Consortium Workshop
Wednesday November 14th, 2018
Burton D. Morgan Center (MRGN) Room 121

·         8:00am            Registration and Reception

·         8:15am            SMART Overview

·         9:30am            Wabash Heartland Innovation Network; Johnny Park, WHIN CEO

·         10:00am          Break

·         10:30am          Krannert's Business Analytics Program (Karthik Kannan, Thomas Howatt Chaired Professor in Management)

·         11:00am          Keynote: Deep Tech Investments in the Life Sciences; John Hamer, Managing Partner at DCVC Bio
John Hamer is a Managing Partner at DCVC Bio. Prior to joining DCVC, John was a VP at Monsanto and Managing Director of Monsanto Growth Ventures (MGV). Before joining MGV, John was a Managing Director at Burrill & Company. Prior to his career in venture capital, John was an entrepreneur, initially at Paradigm Genetics, where he joined as a visiting scientist before becoming Chief Science Officer and eventually President and CEO following the company's IPO. After Paradigm, John founded and served as CEO of Arête Therapeutics, which earned backing from leading life science venture firms.

John started his career in academia, rising to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Purdue University, where he earned the David and Lucille Packard Fellow award in 1989. John received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. from the University of Windsor and a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of California, Davis. He has spent the last 15 years in the San Francisco Bay area, providing venture capital funding to life science start ups across food, agriculture and human health.

Shark Tank Competition
Sponsored by Birck Nanotechnology Center and Brian Lamb School of Communication

The Science Communication Shark Tank competition gives students a chance to learn and train master storyteller skills in the best possible way: by playing a real-life game. They participate as a member of the team in a science storytelling seminar, learn how to create a scientific story, and prepare written and spoken presentations, which are judged for selection in a live, Shark Tank Competition. Run by a group of talented professional communicators, the competition awards prizes and, most important, will offer the participants a chance to work with one of the sharks to refine their story and release it to the general public through a specialized media campaign.

Student Groups

1.       Everlasting Electronics: The Quest for a Device that Never Fails

Authors: Sami Alajlouni and Kerry Maize

2.       Liver-on-a-chip

Author: Lucia Alexandre

3.       Solar Nano-Prison: An Improved Path to Clean Energy

Author: Aveek Dutta

4.       Photonic Qubit from Diamond for ultrafast Quantum Computing and Communication

Authors: H. Dey, Jie Zhu and Oluseye Akomolede

5.       Phosphate sensors: Applications and approaches

Author: Alexandra Loaiza

6.       Detecting Microbial Activity for Agriculture

Author: Jose Waimin

7.       Next Step Fighting Cancer

Author: Beatriz Plaza

8.       Ultra-sensitive Flexible and Transparent Piezoelectric Sensors and Loudspeakers

Author: Armen Yildirim

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