[BNC-all] Nanodays 2017 - A big thank you to everyone who contributed to another successful event!

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Mon May 1 13:18:33 EDT 2017

Dear all,

NanoDays 2017 (https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/Special%20Events/NanoDays/index.php) last month was a great opportunity for all of us to help impact a lot of lives. Over 250 individuals and groups worked hard to make this event a big success! I would like to express our big thank you to everyone for selflessly contributing to this important event!  As I am sure you have personally experienced, it makes a big difference for many kids and their families.

A special thank you goes to Ron Reger & Jaime Turner who chaired and led the event, and the Nanodays Committee members:  Sarah Anderson, Neil Dilley, Aveek Dutta,  Nicole Finley,  Maria Longoria-Littleton, Tim Miller, Joon Park, Sean Rinehart, Kenny Schwartz, Paul Sturm, and Justin Wirth.

This year we had over 1000 participants in NanoDays. It includes over 250 volunteers, Girls scouts, K-12 grade students, home schools, teachers, parents and general audiences on all three days, April 5, 6, & 7, 2017.

In addition to the traditional NanoDays demonstrations and experiments we had research booths showing a number of Purdue research groups and other technologies:

1)      Society of Applied Spectroscopy

2)      OSA/SPIE

3)      Daniel Suter group, nanobiology

4)      Liang Pan group, optics demos

5)      Alex Wei group, Au nanoparticles

6)      Jackie Linnes group

7)      David Janes group, microheaters

8)      Jong Hyun Choi group, nanoparticles

9)      Alina Alexeenko group, LyoHub freeze drying demo

10)   NanoHUB, build and model nanotubes

11)   Astronaut Dr. Mary Cleave

12)   Vlad Shalaev group, shape memory alloys

13)   IEEE MTT group, microwave demo

14)   Joerg Appenzeller group, graphite racers and nanomagnetism

All volunteers are listed in http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/Special%20Events/NanoDays/volunteers.php

On behalf of the Birck Center, we wish to express our sincere thanks to you for making NanoDays 2017 a huge success!

With sincere appreciation,

Dimitrios Peroulis
Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deputy Director, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
tel: (765) 494-3491
email: dperouli at purdue.edu<mailto:dperouli at purdue.edu>

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