[BNC-all] New e-beam update

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 14 18:59:25 EDT 2017

Dear all,

We are moving into the final phase of installing our new ebeam system (JBX-8100FS). Over the past few months we have been exploring the possibility of leaving the VB6 operational while installing the new JEOL system to a different suitable location in order to avoid any down time. This has been successful (thanks mainly to the building facilities and engineering teams at Birck) and the new system will be installed at the front side of the P-Bay. This is the right-corner bay at the front of the cleanroom next to the viewing isle.

JEOL gave us their final approval today after reviewing our relevant facility measurements and completing a final visit yesterday. We have already been preparing the P-bay and expect to finish the room/facilities preparation by beginning of September. The JEOL engineers will come next and finish the installation, calibration, and testing of the new tool within 8 weeks.

Furthermore, we are exploring options for keeping the VB6 operational beyond the installation completion of the JEOL system. Once we have additional information, we will update everyone.

We will be discussing more on these in the upcoming faculty meeting.


P.S. Here is a relevant news release from JEOL: http://www.jeolusa.com/NEWS-EVENTS/Press-Releases/ID/383/JEOL-Introduces-Worlds-Fastest-Direct-Write-E-Beam-Tool. It has a picture of the tool and links to its main specifications.
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