[BNC-all] BNC E-News for the week of July 24

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Fri Jul 21 14:30:43 EDT 2017

[BIRCK NANOTECHNOLOGY CENTER][http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/resources/toolkit/files/logo/digital/Logo-949x222.png]

Dear Birck Research Community,

The business office and engineering organizations have just completed an analysis of current recharge rates.  A few rates were found to be incorrect due to recent service contract price changes, usage rate adjustments, etc. A revised rate sheet is being completed and will be put up on the Birck website by the end of July.  We have also added a set of equipment that recently had rates approved.  You will find those listed on the new rate sheet as well.
In addition, as we do every few years, we are in the process of a full Scifres Rate Review.  Once we have that completed, we will notify you of any changes.

BNC Management

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The electrical shutdown will be on Saturday, July 29, 2017, from 7:00 am-11:00 am.  Birck's parking lot will be affected, weather permitting.

West side gravel parking lot is available for parking.

Micron Sweps

Our custodial staff professionally cleans the cleanroom surfaces with special 'mops' called Micron Sweps.  These expensive & reusable mops are used in conjunction with our UltraPure Water to wipe down all surfaces in the cleanroom on a continual basis.  We pay a service to clean the Sweps for us, and the laundering is done in a cleanroom environment at the contracted laundry.   Recently someone retrieved a Swep and used it to wipe up something in the cleanroom.

Please do not use these Sweps!  They are designed only to be used with UPW for cleaning cleanroom floors and walls.  Other uses will ruin them at a significant cost to Birck.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Birck Management

Where can you wear shorts in Birck? There has been some confusion as to where shorts are allowed. Long pants or long dresses and closed toed shoes are required to be worn where the potential exists for chemical use.
This would include all general labs, bio-cleanroom, J-bay and SEM prep lab. Shorts are allowed in the cleanroom under your cleanroom garment and in the SEM microscope labs. This is for safety concerns and if you have a question, it will always be best to error on the side of safety and wear what provides the most protection.

Birck Safety Officer

NSAC (Nanotechnology Students Advisory Council) is organizing an Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, August 4, 2017 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Birck Atrium. This is a unique opportunity for undergraduates to present their research in front of an audience comprised of graduate students, staff, and faculty and get valuable feedback. Plaques will be awarded to the top three posters as well as certificates to all participants. Please encourage any undergraduates in your respective groups to consider registering using the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/vKZQ1U2Itg8dZyic2. The deadline for registration is Friday, July 28, 2017. Thank you!
Deesha Shah

Birck Kitchen
Friday, July 28 around 2 p.m., the refrigerator and freezer will be cleaned out.  Anything that is outdated or looks bad with no label will be thrown away.

Any questions/concerns see Nancy

Birck Nanotechnology Center Wiki

We are pleased to announce the launch of BNCWiki<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki>, a collaborative knowledge space open to all BNC researchers. Anyone subscribed to BNC-all with a current Purdue Career Account may access, edit, and add pages, upload attachments, and make comments. It is hosted on the wiki software Confluence<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/> via ITaP<https://www.itap.purdue.edu/learning/tools/confluence.html>, and offers user friendly editing, easy upload of documents, and granular page access/editing restrictions. We welcome your inputs and comments.

What is BNCWiki?
The Birck Nanotechnology Center Wiki is an effort to document and centralize the experimental expertise currently spread around the facility in individuals and research groups. BNC researchers are encouraged to contribute their processes, experiences, issues, and knowledge in order to increase the speed, quality, and breadth of research that can take place at Birck.

BNCWiki currently contains equipment pages for both fabrication and characterization equipment, with details on capabilities, technological overviews, SOPs, user manuals, processes, and references. Info pages are available for iLab, general issues, standard and contributed processes, and MSDS sheets.

A wiki is, by its nature, a work in progress. The success of the project will depend on contributions from students, faculty, and staff. Research groups may host their own pages for more specialized info, access to which can be restricted to the group if desired. Please contact Justin Wirth<mailto:jcwirth at purdue.edu?subject=BNCWiki%20Question> for more info.

How can I access BNCWiki?
Access the main page here: https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki. Login with your Purdue Career Account login and password.

The site is accessible through both desktop and mobile devices. If pages show formatting issues on mobile, either the "View Desktop Version" option in Confluence or the "Request Desktop Site" setting in the mobile browser may improve display.

How do I edit a page?
To enter edit mode when viewing a page, press either the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the page, or press the "e" button on your keyboard.

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This will launch the Confluence Editor<https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf61/the-editor-877187526.html>. Page editing is similar to a document editor such as Microsoft Word, with formatting options available on the menu bar at the top of the page. After changes are made, the "Preview" button in the bottom right corner will allow you to view the edit before publishing. Once satisfied with the changes, press the "Update" button in the bottom right corner to publish the changes.

How do I add a document?
Confluence supports native viewing of PDFs and images, as well as Word, Powerpoint, and Excel files. Once in the Editor, add a file by clicking the "Insert files and images" button, or using the shortcut Ctrl+M.

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Use the "Upload files" button to attach one or multiple files to the page. Then press the "Insert" button to add them to the page.

How do I make a comment?
A comment section is located at the bottom of each page, with formatting similar to the page editor. Documents and pictures may be embedded if desired. A dedicated page is available for general discussion of Comments, Suggestions, and Issues<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/Comments%2C+Suggestions%2C+and+Issues>, and another for Process Help and Troubleshooting<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/Process+Help+and+Troubleshooting>. Questions about individual tools should be made on the tool page.

How do I add a page?
Pages in Confluence are setup in a hierarchy, with a parent page capable of hosting multiple daughter pages. To create a new daughter page, go to the directory page that should serve as the parent page. Click the three dots next to the "Create" button to create a page from a template (currently available as Equipment and Process/Technology page templates), or click the "Create" button directly to create a new blank page.

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Where can I get more info?
For more information, questions, or comments, email Justin Wirth<mailto:jcwirth at purdue.edu?subject=BNCWiki%20Question>. More information on using confluence can be found at the Purdue Confluence How-To Page<https://www.itap.purdue.edu/learning/tools-resources/confluence-essentials.html>, with all Confluence Online Documentation<https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf61/confluence-server-documentation-877187292.html>.

Important Grad Office Notices:
Last week to make Birck look the best it can!  Please look at each hallway to see the difference.

July 24th - 28th
West Wing 2nd floor hallway: Offices: BRK 2218, BRK 2222, BRK 2226, BRK 2230, BRK 2234 and BRK 2238


NovaCentrix Seminar
Dr. Rudresh Ghosh, Applications Engineer
Tuesday, July 25
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
BRK 2001

Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium (S5)
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
August 1-3, 2017

NSAC Undergraduate Research Symposium Summer 2017
Friday, August 2, 2017
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Birck Atrium
Register https://goo.gl/forms/vKZQ1U2Itg8dZyic2 by Friday, July 28.

Toward Better Lives and Stronger Communities - Bringing the Pieces Together
Jim McClelland, Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Enforcement for the State of Indiana
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Burton D. Morgan Center, Room 121
Reception at 2:30 -3:30, Mann Hall First Floor Atrium

See other Discovery Park's Events:

Visitors to Birck
Monday, July 24 through Thursday, July 27
LyoHUB Training
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, July 25
Dr. Rudresh Ghosh, Applications Engineer
NovaCentrix Seminar

Bob Hurly
Mitch Stultz

Wednesday, July 26
Tour by Sam Peana - Purdue Physics Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

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