[BNC-all] Dr. ONO Seminar today at 11am in BRK 1001 and Dr. Tsuchida Seminar today at 2pm in BRK 1001

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 3 10:26:49 EST 2017

Development of Iontronics
Dr. Shimpei ONO
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
Institute Neel, University of Grenoble Alps and CNRS, France
Friday, February 3rd at 11:00 am; Birck 1001

Abstract: Electric field control of charge carrier density has long been a key technology to tune the physical properties of condensed matter, exploring the modern semiconductor industry. One of the big challenges is to increase the maximum attainable carrier density, however it is limited by the quality of gate dielectrics. In this talk, I’m going to show the new technique to modulate carrier density making use of ionic liquid electrolytes. With electrolyte gating, we can modulate up to 10^15/cm2 of carrier density at the interface which is 2 orders of magnitude larger than conventional gate dielectrics and demonstrate that we can indeed control metal-to-insulator and ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition by electric-field effect doping. I also will show our recent progress using ionic liquid electrolytes.

Recent Advances in 4H-SiC Crystal Growth and Defect Control for High-Performance Power Devices
Dr. Hidekazu Tsuchida
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
Friday, February 3rd at 2:00 pm
Birck 1001

Abstract: After brief introduction of CRIEPI and the research topics in Electronic Materials Sector of Materials Science Research Laboratory, our recent achievements in 4H-SiC crystal growth and defect imaging and control techniques will be shown. The topics will include fast CVD bulk growth, large-diameter epitaxial growth, high-resolution or 3D imaging of extended defects and control of point and extended defects, toward high-throughput production of high-quality 4H-SiC wafers and realizing high-voltage and low-loss power devices.

Bio: Hidekazu Tsuchida, Dr., Deputy Associate Vice President, Sector Leader, Electronic Materials, Materials Science Research Laboratory, CRIEPI.  Entered CRIEPI in 1992 and started SiC crystal growth and characterization in 1994 toward realizing next generation power devices for high-voltage power transmission and distribution. Recent research interests include fast 4H-SiC bulk growth by high-temperature CVD, large-diameter thick epitaxial growth and defect control for high-quality crystals and high-performance devices. Since 2016, chief secretary of Advanced Power Semiconductor Division of Japanese Applied Physics Society.

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