[BNC-all] Discovery Park Blood Drive organized by NSAC

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 13 09:00:58 EDT 2016

NSAC together with Indiana Blood Center is organizing a Discovery Park Blood Drive. The date of the event is Wednesday, September 21, 2016. Statistically, every 2 seconds, somebody in the U.S. needs blood. Indiana Blood Center takes an active part towards meeting such high demands and has hosted blood drives with 1914 organizations. This would be a great opportunity for all the people at Birck Nanotechnology Center to contribute towards the medical welfare of the society at large. Details follow:

Venue: MRGN 129

Time: 12:00-5:00PM

Sign Up: www.DonorPoint.org<http://www.DonorPoint.org> Enter Sponsor Code E087
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