[BNC-all] Visualization-3D-Cell-Culture-Training-Workshop-November 17 & 18 2016 -- 2nd Announcement

Kwok, Tim kwokt at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 20 13:37:20 EDT 2016

Dear Fellow Scientists,

The first hands-on training workshop for visualization of 3D cell cultures organized by the 3D Cell Culture Core (3D3C) facility is scheduled on November 17 and 18, 2016. The workshop will cover some basic techniques for immunolabeling and dye staining and microscope observation of live and fixed 3D cell cultures.  The registration deadline is on October 28.  This will likely be the only workshop session on this topic this semester. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact me for information and registration. The flyer with detailed information on the workshop is attached.  Thanks.


Tim Kwok
Facility Manager
3D Cell Culture Core (3D3C) Facility
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University



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