[BNC-all] NT-TEC Seminar featuring Prof. Zubin Jacob, TODAY

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Thu Mar 10 08:17:52 EST 2016

Nanoscale Thermal/Thermoelectric Energy Conversion (NT-TEC) Seminar


Speaker: Prof. Zubin Jacob

Topic: High temperature plasma frequency engineering for thermal energy conversion

Date: Thursday, March 10 2016

Time: 12-1pm

Location: Birck 1001

We will discuss our work on control of thermal radiation using nanomaterials. We will consider the interesting regime which occurs when the peak of blackbody emission coincides with the plasma frequency of metals. The resulting unique thermal emission lineshape is useful for thermophotovoltaic emitters and for enhancing near-field radiative heat transfer.

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