[BNC-all] Reminder: NEEDS Seminar: James Teherani (Columbia) BRK 1001; Thursday, June 30, 10:30

Johnson, Vicki L. vicki at purdue.edu
Thu Jun 30 08:30:29 EDT 2016

Auger generation as an intrinsic limit to tunneling field-effect transistor performance

James Teherani
Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
Birck 1001: Thursday, June 30 from 10:30-11:30 AM

Abstract: Many in the microelectronics field view tunneling field-effect transistors (TFETs) as society’s best hope for achieving a > 10× power reduction for electronic devices; however, despite a decade of considerable worldwide research, experimental TFET results have significantly underperformed simulations and conventional MOSFETs. To explain the discrepancy between TFET experiments and simulations, we investigate the parasitic leakage current due to Auger generation, an intrinsic mechanism that cannot be mitigated with improved material quality or better device processing. We expose the intrinsic link between the Auger and band-to-band tunneling rates, highlighting the difficulty of increasing one without the other. From this link, we show that Auger generation imposes a fundamental limit on ultimate TFET performance.

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