[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of July 25th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Jul 22 15:00:33 EDT 2016

2nd floor Grad Offices
Notification of Scheduled Secondary Data Networks Edge Router Migration Work -- ITaP Change Management
Photoresist Waste Fumes
Refrigerator Clean out

2nd floor Grad Offices
We will be scrubbing and waxing the 2nd floor graduate student offices on August 17th and 18th.  We will post a sign on your office door as to which day your office will be done.  You MUST move everything up off of the floor that you do not want to get wet and ruined.  We will move your office chairs out to the hallway.  On these days, you will not have access to your office from 5:00AM - 11:45AM.  Thank you for helping us keep Birck beautiful.

Notification of Scheduled Secondary Data Networks Edge Router Migration Work -- ITaP Change Management

WORK TO BE PERFORMED: From 12:00 AM to 5:00 AM on 7/30/16, The ITaP Data Networks Team will be performing migration of a campus Secondary edge router as part of the FREH data center retirement project.

AFFECTED CLIENTS: This work will cause service disruptions for the following items:

1. ns4 Blue Cat DNS server

2. ITIS-Data team internal blip server

3. campus Google Cache

SCOPE OF WORK:  During the scheduled outage window, affected client(s) should plan to experience 1 service disruption lasting up to 30 minutes in duration.  It is possible that many affected clients will not experience a true outage but may just notice slower response times during the scheduled work.

If you have any questions or concerns about this work please don't hesitate to let us know.

Thanks much.



Duane Kyburz, Network Engineer

Purdue University - ITaP, IT Infrastructure Services

Data Networks Team

Office:   765-496-8226

Mobile:  765-490-4755

Fax:      765-494-6620

Email:   storm at purdue.edu<mailto:storm at purdue.edu>


Photoresist Waste Fumes
A user commented that some photoresist waste cans are vented and others are not.   This causes photoresist fumes to be noticed in the photolithography aisles.  We have submitted a work order to build vents for all the unvented photoresist waste cans in order to exhaust the fumes safely out and away from users.   This work is to be scheduled in the near future.
Refrigerator Clean out
The refrigerator will be cleaned out on Monday, August 1st at 2:00 pm. If something is out dated or looks old, has no name or label on it, the item will be thrown away. Questions or concerns, see Nancy Black.

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