[BNC-all] 3D Cell Culture Training Course - August 25 &26 2016

Kwok, Tim kwokt at purdue.edu
Wed Jul 13 09:53:39 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The 3D Cell Culture Core (3D3C) facility organized the first hands-on training workshop for basic 3D cell culture techniques on June 16 and 17, 2016. The workshop was a success.  Since after our initial call it was rapidly over-subscribed and to accommodate those who were not able to enroll, the facility is planning to hold another hands-on training workshop on August 25 and 26, 2016. The workshop will be similar to the June workshop covering some basic techniques for work with tumors or other types of tissues that require the formation of masses or spheroids. The prerequisites to attend the workshop are sufficient knowledge in standard (2D) cell culture techniques, REM biosafety training and blood-borne-pathogen training.  The course fee is $350 per person from Purdue University (please contact me for fees for registrants from outside Purdue). If you are interested in the workshop, please contact me for information and registration. The workshop is limited to SIX participants.  The deadline for registration is August 3, 2016.


Tim Kwok
Facility Manager
3D Cell Culture Core (3D3C) Facility
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University



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