[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of February 29th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Sun Feb 28 12:31:05 EST 2016

Card Readers on Student Offices

NOTICE: The BNC will be completely closed for one day on March 17, 2016 from 12:01AM to 11PM.
Only people involved in the shutdown will be allowed in the building during the shutdown. All offices, laboratories, and the cleanroom will be closed.  All chemicals and research inside fume hoods will need to be placed in closed containers prior to March 17, 2016 from 12:01AM

This is an advance notice on March 17, 2016 from 6AM to 9PM Purdue Physical Facilities Department will complete an emergency power interruption to fix a high voltage power issue with our center’s fire pump controller.

Per safety codes, power to the fire pump transfer/control was hardwired directly from the electrical substation to the fire panel when the building was constructed. This wiring bypasses our main switchboard and provides no lockout point for the fire panel.  Therefore, for safety reasons the electric substation providing power to the fire pump has to be shutdown. The affected substation also supplies power to one of the building’s three, 3000 amp switchboards.  Only essential personnel will have access to the building during the power outage since the building will be without fire protection during that time.

All CLEANROOM and LABORATORY research work will be suspended and building access closed during power outage.  All exhausted hoods, vacuum systems, and/or toxic gas systems will be shut down, and chemicals inside fume hoods will need to be placed in closed containers prior to March 17, 2016 from 12:01AM.

General areas that will be affected by the power outage are listed below.
-          All chemical exhaust systems for the labs and cleanroom.
-          Building ambient temperature and humidity control
o   Offices
o   General laboratories
o   Cleanroom
o   Atrium
-          Office power and lighting (all computers will lose power)
-          Atrium power and lighting
-          Card reader system

Systems NOT affected by the power outage are listed below.
-          Emergency power (on emergency generator power)
-          UPS power (on emergency generator power)
-          Equipment emergency power (on emergency generator power)
-          Cleanroom research equipment power (power from a different switchboard)
-          Laboratory research equipment power (power from a different switchboard)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Mark Voorhis
Building Manager
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Office: (765) 494-3036

Card Readers on Student Offices

A suggestion we received this week from the user survey involved installing card readers on student office doors.  This would alleviate the need to carry keys in the case where an office mate leaves and locks the door.  This idea was investigated and a cost estimate was generated.  To install a single card reader takes labor and material to buy the card reader hardware and mount it near the door, run & connect wires through the door frame, and reconfigure the software on the card reader system to recognize new inputs.  For each office door the cost is approximately $3500.  We have 19 student office doors, so the total cost would be $66,500.  We understand the convenience improvements but the high cost of implementation prohibits us from pursuing this suggestion.  Thanks for the good ideas, please keep them coming.

International Travel

​If you are traveling internationally, we urge you to check to see if the region to which you plan travel currently is involved in a Zika Virus outbreak.

More information associated with the Zika Virus can be found on the CDC website<http://www.cdc.gov/zika/> and on the World Health Organization’s<http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/zika/en/> website.

We urge you to please travel safely and responsibly, taking appropriate precautions as you deem necessary.

Contact Information:   Austin Oldham <mailto:oldhama at purdue.edu> , Policy Administrator, Risk Management, 67440

Everything from the refrigerator and freezer in the kitchen will be trashed at 8 AM March 18. Since the power is off we have no way to determine if the food stayed cold so it will have to be trashed. Take it home before the 17th if you do not want it trashed. Questions or concerns please see Nancy Black.


Nanoscale Thermal/Thermoelectric Energy Conversion (NT-TEC) Seminar

Speaker: Sheng Yu Jin (from prof. Gary Cheng's group)

Topic: Laser-assisted Electrochemical deposition of Thermoelectric materials deposition

Date: Thursday, March 3 2016

Time: 12-1pm

Location: Birck 1001

Old Voicemail System:  With your new phones came a new voicemail system.  We will be deleting all old voicemails next Wednesday March 2nd.  If you have any questions, please let me know ASAP.  Mary Jo Totten 6-1173

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