[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of August 1st

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 1 10:13:54 EDT 2016

2nd floor Grad Offices
We will be scrubbing and waxing the 2nd floor graduate student offices on August 17th and 18th.  We will post a sign on your office door as to which day your office will be done.  You MUST move everything up off of the floor that you do not want to get wet and ruined.  We will move your office chairs out to the hallway.  On these days, you will not have access to your office from 5:00AM - 11:45AM.  Thank you for helping us keep Birck beautiful.

Evaporator Source Material Listings

A user asked if we can put the source material list someplace online that would be accessible from outside Birck.  Currently we have the sources listed on the High-Definition display at the top of the atrium stairway but it would also be convenient to check from a remote location which sources are installed in each evaporator.  We are doing the following:

1.       Currently, whenever a source change is performed Kenny & Dave mail out a list of the sources to the Coral mailing lists associated with each evaporator.  Users who are trained on evaporator(s) should be on the respective mailing lists, and should receive an email whenever a source change is made.  This is sent to users' Purdue email accounts and with this current procedure all trained users should be receiving up-to-date source material listings whenever changes are made.  If you're not receiving these mailings please see Kenny or Dave to make sure you are on the appropriate mailing lists.

2.       We have begun a project to see if the current source lists posted on the upper atrium displays can be linked to our website.  While we don't know if this is possible we're hopeful this can be accomplished at some point as we update the look and content of our Birck website.

3.       As we switch over from Coral to iLabs scheduling software, which will be accessible offsite as well, we believe we can designate a field in each evaporator page that will show current source materials.  This too is an IT development project that is under investigation.  iLabs is scheduled for Birck deployment in the Oct/Nov timeframe so watch for this in the Fall.

4.       If you have additional ideas please see Kenny, Dave, or Ron.

Fume Hood Housekeeping

A user commented that the fume hoods continue to be cluttered, that empty solvent bottles are left in hoods, and that dirty glass slides are left on working surfaces.  As a reminder to all users, please clean up after your process is complete and please dispose of empty bottles in the appropriate manner.  This not only keeps the common areas in the hoods clean but also helps us maintain stock of all chemicals.  If empty bottles are hidden then we don't realize additional supplies are needed, sometimes not until we're completely out of stock.  This introduces an unnecessary delay in having critical chemicals on hand because of the additional time required to order new chemicals.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Refrigerator Clean out
The refrigerator will be cleaned out on Monday, August 1st at 2:00 pm. If something is out dated or looks old, has no name or label on it, the item will be thrown away. Questions or concerns, see Nancy Black.

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